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OMB # Title Revision Date
210 Academic Integrity Policy 3/19/04
946 Acceptable Use of Technology 10/23/24
411 Acceptance into Degree, Certificate & Special Programs 9/19/19
324 Accounting for Temporary Investment Income 9/19/85
912 Acting Administrator/Acting President 1/19/06
921 Adjunct Faculty Compensation Rates 8/11/97
512 Admission Age Requirement 7/12/2012
701 Advisory Commissions 3/16/23
651 Alcohol on Campus 12/8/16
990 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accommodations Policy 10/23/24
970 Appointment of College Counsel 11/12/15
415 Auditing a Course 3/19/81
355 Authorization of Charges for Tuition & Fees 3/19/92
320 Banking Signatories 12/18/24
302 Budget Allocation for Student Activities and Athletics 5/18/06
301 Budget Development and Revision 5/18/06
100 By-Laws of the Board of Trustees 4/24/24
752 By-Laws of MCCC Foundation
710 Career Advisory Commissions 5/19/94
314 Cellular Telephones 5/18/06
751 Certificates of Incorporation - MCCC Foundations
976 Chapter 88/State Health Benefits Program 3/20/86
321 Checking Accounts 3/18/04
943 Children at Work 11/20/08
621 Clinical Facilities 12/16/76
922 Coaching Salaries and Ranges 1/1/23
380 Code of Ethics for College Officers and Employees 3/16/23
602 College ID 5/15/08
938 College Travel 4/19/18
919 Compensation Schedule for Part-Time Noncredit Instruction 3/16/95
914 Complaint Policy - Non-Unionized Employees 3/17/05
911 B Confidential & Exempt Secretarial and Clerical Staff 3/17/05
913 Confidentiality Of Personal Information 6/15/06
501 C Confidentiality Of Student Records 6/15/06
753 Conflict of Interest for MCCC Foundation 11/14/13
966 Conscientious Employee Protection 5/18/06
801 Constitution of the Mercer County Community College Governance System 11/18/21
450 Credit for Non-Traditional Learning 1/19/84
354 Deferred Payments of Tuition and Fees 3/17/05
403 Degree and Certificate Requirements 4/13/17
661 Designation of James Kerney Campus 6/16/77
696 Displaying Flags on Campus 1/26/17
316 Disposal of College Property 3/16/95
951 Distinguished Teaching Award 2/15/07
939 Emergency Hires 3/18/21
605 Emergency Management 9/21/06
978 Emeritus Rank for Retired Faculty Members 9/15/16
382 Employee Laptop Computer Policy 8/15/02
930 Equal Employment Opportunity 9/19/19
932 Equal Opportunity and Access for the Disabled 6/15/06
750 Establishment of Foundations 4/22/76
600 Facilities, Planning And Management Contents 9/22/05
988 Family Medical Leave Act Policy 7/16/20
352 Fees 2/26/15
511 Fraternities & Sororities on Campus 4/10/68
470 General Education Policy 3/3/23
690 Gift Recognition 4/11/13
402 Grading System 11/16/17
916 Health Benefits Program Authorization 3/17/05
991 Hybrid Work Policy 10/21/21
460 Honorary Degrees 6/21/79
490 Human Subjects Research 6/15/06
309 Identity Theft Prevention 11/12/09
681 Illicit Connections to the College's Storm Sewers 9/22/05
934 Immigration Law Compliance 4/21/05
682 Improper Disposal of Waste Into Storm Sewers on College Property 9/22/05
381 Indemnification of Trustees & Employees 3/18/04
987 Institutional Surveys Policy 6/18/20
561 Intercollegiate Athletics 6/15/06
980 Internal Supplemental Employment Policy and Procedures 3/15/18
323 Investment of College Funds 6/15/06
503 Involuntary Withdrawal from the College 9/27/23
936 Job Descriptions 3/17/05
313 Joint Public Bidding or Cooperative Purchasing with Mercer County 8/2/79
950 Leave of Absence 7/15/76
631 Library Privileges for County High School Students 3/16/95
915 Longevity Payments - Unorganized Staff 6/26/97
933 Maintenance of a Drug-Free Workplace 10/19/06
422 MCCC Education Sampling Permits
697 Minors On Campus 3/16/17
201 Mission and Goals 9/21/17
610 Motor Vehicle Code 7/21/94
583 Naloxone Procedure Policy 11/16/17
941 Nepotism 7/20/06
326 Net Revenue from Internally Restricted Accounts 3/18/04
370 New Jersey Virtual Community College Consosrtium Tuition Policy 12/18/03
350 Out-of-State Tuition in Limited Enrollment Programs 3/18/04
940 Outside Employment 3/17/05
989 Pandemic Policy 6/17/21
937 Performance Management 4/21/05
910 B
910 C
Personnel Policies - Unorganized Staff
   MCCC Select Employee Sick Leave Bank    Administrative Staff
341 Petty Cash Funds 12/21/06
policy 002 Policy on Policy Development, Implementation, and Maintenance 7/30/24
986 Preferred Name Policy 9/19/19
931 Prohibition Against Discrimination 9/18/14
965 Prohibition Against Harassment 10/16/03
684 Prohibition of Pets on Campus 9/22/05
983 Promotion Policy 1/17/19
102 Public Comment 10/18/07
311 Purchasing 9/17/20
312 Purchasing Card Policy 9/17/15
581 Psychological Referral of Students 3/12/69
465 Radio Station WWFM & Cable Channel 11/18/82
692 Records Management 9/21/06
975 Reference Checking 6/16/05
910 Rights, Privileges and Benefits of Confidential and Exempt Staff 9/21/06
979 Role And Privileges Of Faculty Emeriti 2/16/06
001 Role of the Operating Manual 2/17/77
601 Safety 3/15/79
911 A
911 B
911 C
911 F
911 G
911 H
Salary Ranges & Fringe Benefits
   Unorganized Staff
   Confidential and Exempt Administrators
   Confidential and Exempt Secretarial
   and Clerical Staff

   Tuition Waiver for Part-time Employees
   Tuition Remission for Regular
   Part-Time Employees

   Paid Leave for Regular P/T Supportive Staff
   Tuition Remission for Adjunct Staff
925A Salary Rates for Artists' Models 10/19/06
927 A
927 B
927 C
927 D
927 E
927 F
927 G
927 H
Salary Rates For...
   Part-Time Non-Academic Support Staff
   Part-Time Administrative Support Staff
   Part-Time Test Administration Staff
   Part-Time ITS Staff
   Part-Time Laboratory Support Staff
   Part-Time Athletics Staff
   Part-Time Academic Staff
   Part-Time Professional Staff
652 Sales Solicitation and Fund Raising 4/16/81
510 Satisfactory Academic Progress 6/21/12
502 Selection of Student Trustee 9/18/80
430 Selection of Textbooks and Related Educational Materials 9/20/07
982 Sick Leave Donation Policy 4/19/18
695 Smoke-Free Campus 12/13/12
984 Social Media Policy 5/23/19
923 Special Fees Applicable to College Employees 9/13/72
935 Staff Development 12/16/76
414 Standards for Dean’s Honor List 4/18/18
414A Standards for President's Honor List 4/18/19
400 Standards and Authority for Degree and Certificate Programs 03/16/17
413 Standards for Graduating with Honors 12/18/80
981 Stipend Policy 4/19/18
680 Storm Water Management 9/22/05
401 Student Academic Standing Policy 10/15/20
501B Student Conduct Code 7/21/11
501 Students' Rights and Responsibilities
582 Substance Abuse Prevention Program 7/30/87
917 Supplemental Retirement Annuity (TIAA/CREF) 4/19/84
944 Teaching Your Own Relatives 11/20/08
945 Tenure Plan 6/20/96
351 Tuition 2/26/15
361 Tuition Rates for In-County Residents of Roosevelt, Plainsboro and Cranbury, NJ 11/21/02
367 Tuition Rates for ESL Graduates 3/18/04
365 Tuition Rates for Military Personnel in New Jersey 11/15/18
368 Tuition Rates for non-US Citizens 5/20/99
353 Tuition Refund 1/22/15
362 Tuition Remission (Out-of-County & Out-of-State) 9/22/94
363 Tuition Remission (foreign students) 10/20/83
691 Use of College Facilities 10/19/06
357 Waiver of Tuition for Courses for Senior Citizens, National Guard Members & Rescue Squad Members 2/16/06
685 Wildlife Feeding Control 9/22/05
331 Write-off of Accounts Receivable 11/17/05