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Institutional Effectiveness

The Office of Institutional Effectiveness comprises of Institutional Research, Assessment and Accreditation.

Institutional Research (IR) is responsible for planning, organizing, and conducting research at Mercer for reporting and assessment purposes.

IR manages the coordination of all institutional surveys/guidebooks and requests for institutional data from both internal and external parties.

IR also provides support in data retrieval, tracking and analysis related to enrollment management and the budget. To make a data request, please complete the data-request form and send it to

The services of the Office of Institutional Research are available to all faculty, program coordinators, administrators, and staff needing assistance in developing and implementing a research strategy to help with understanding and improving their operations. Services include organizing and implementing surveys, focus groups, and quantitative analysis of institutional data.

Contact Information:

Institutional Effectiveness
LA118 / (609) 570-3460

Summary of IR Functions

  • Government Mandated Submissions
  • Regular Internal Baseline Reporting
  • Internal Assessment Support
  • Ongoing Internal Research
  • Request Responses
  • Planning and Budgeting

Outcomes Assessment at Mercer

Outcomes assessment is an iterative model for improving the programs and processes through which we carry out our mission and implement strategic planning. Outcomes assessment at Mercer is tied to the institutional mission, is comprehensive of all college operations, uses multiple sources and types of evidence, and involves faculty and staff throughout the institution. Assessment is also tied to budgeting directly and indirectly via the strategic planning process. One of the most important components of good institutional assessment is the "closing of the loop." Information gleaned from assessment is used to improve programs and processes at the College. This aspect of assessment is becoming more important at Mercer as the culture of assessment becomes more and more a part of college operations.