Please note the only way to register for an appointment is through the New Jersey Vaccine Scheduling System or by calling the NJ state hotline at 1-855-568-0545 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Anyone, including MCCC employees and students, interested in receiving a vaccination must register through that site.
The college does not have access to the state scheduling system to assist callers. No requests can be processed through the College, including the Nursing program, Public Relations or any other College office. Neither does MCCC have the authority to determine your eligibility for a vaccination. Any questions regarding eligibility can be answered by going to the state’s vaccination website.
After registering there, you will receive an email confirming your registration. You will be contacted when you become eligible to receive the vaccine.
Please share this information with anyone inside or outside the College who may find it helpful. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.