Mercer County Community College’s CTEP initiative will begin field testing - and evaluating – units in the fall and spring of 2013/2014. The Entrepreneurship and Finance Course One will be available for field testing in September of 2013. Course two for both clusters will be available for field testing in January 2014. All six course units for the cluster that you select for implementation is expected to be executed. Both students and teachers will be asked to provide feedback on how well the curriculum met with specific educational goals. We will use that information to then strengthen the course content, curriculum, and assessment resources for the final version that is anticipated to be available in the fall of 2014.
To participate in field testing, pilot schools must have a certified instructor on staff at the time of implementation and commit instructors to professional development for the two week SREB Summer Institute. The Summer Institute will be held July 29, 2013 through August 9, 2013 held at MCCC’s Conference Center. Each teacher will receive a $750.00 stipend for their weekly attendance and participation in the Summer Institute. We are also requesting that one Guidance Counselor, one Math teacher, one Language Arts Literacy teacher, and one Science teacher spend one day at the Summer Institute to learn about the CTEP projects and how the Finance and Entrepreneurship Programs of Study are aligned with the Common Core Standards, so that they can assist teachers during field testing. The academic teachers and guidance counselors will receive a stipend in the amount of $150.00 for one full day of attendance. The calendar days for academic teachers to attend depends upon which clusters the pilot school will field test in the 2013/2014 school year
In addition, we ask that a school administrator attend two full days to not only develop their own knowledge and skills about the specific aspects of the CTEP initiative, but also support educators’ in their efforts to engage students in learning. Furthermore, a stipend in the amount of $740.00 will be provided to pilot schools to assist with purchasing small supplies for in-class projects.

In creating links among public education, business, industry, labor and workforce development and institutions of higher education, MCCC has established two CTEP Advisory Commissions that are committed to developing tools, resources and model programs of study in the Business and Finance career clusters.
How does CTEP Programs of Study fit into NJ Common Core Standards?