
Enhancing Teaching and Student Leadership in Finance
CTEP – A partnership between business leaders and educators working together on career-focused goals:
- To develop a statewide CTE curriculum that aligns with NJ’s high school and industry standards
- To create CTE classroom modules that lead to high-wage, high-skill or high-demand occupations
- To produce and deliver statewide professional development workshops for secondary administrators and educators
- To enhance student leadership opportunities in career and technical organizations (CTSO’s).

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CTE Learning that works for America Videos
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Advisory & Curriculum Committee Resources
Career and Technical Education prepares students to succeed as global citizens for career opportunities for the 21st Century and to support healthy economic growth.
Careers in Finance
Helping you you find a rewarding career in finance. This website provides you with comprehensive information and links to quite a few other sites, finance job listings, recommended books and etc.
by Susan Ricker, CareerBuilder Writer
No CTEP events at this time