You are permitted a specified number of free absences. No notes or excuses are needed or accepted. The absences are designed to cover your unexpected events or illnesses so use them wisely. You will fail the course if you exceed the set number of allowable absences. You are responsible for whatever you missed in class. For assignments, before the next class or right at the beginning of the next class you must submit anything that was due, otherwise the assignment will be considered late.
Face to Face 14 Week Courses
Hybrid Courses
Summer Class
Deadline extensions and excused absences for prolonged illness, injury or bereavement must be arranged with the Executive Dean for Student Affairs at 609-570-3221.
All photographs must be made specifically for this class by you alone. You will not be allowed to use older images for credit unless otherwise agreed upon in advance. When you turn in any assignment, all the requested materials should be present for the assignment to be considered complete. Any assignment submitted in an unfinished state will have points deducted. Work that is not shown during critique on its due date will be considered incomplete. Even if you are not pleased with work you have done, put it up for critique. You can learn a lot from discussing how your solutions could have been better.
Be respectful of me and your fellow students.
This classroom is a forum for expression. Discriminatory acts and hateful speech hinder this process. Remember that you are in a diverse environment when you are addressing the class.
You may have your mobile devices on vibrate and you may use them to read on-line material, if you need to take an emergency call, you must step outside the classroom.
Cheating will not be tolerated and may result in a zero grade on an assignment, quiz, or for the course and/or your expulsion from the course. All submitted and presented work must be your original work and any material used as source must be properly attributed to the author or source. Refer to your student handbook for your responsibilities and information on Academic Integrity.
Technical Quality 6 points
May include some or all of the following: exposure, sharpness, contrast, color, scratches, dust, overall print quality, overall slide quality, matting, framing and any other technical aspects as required by the assignment.
Clarity of Results 2 points
How well you solved the assignment. How clear your point of view, message or goal was expressed to the class through visual elements of you work.
Critique Discussion 2 points
How clear your point of view, message or goal was expressed to the class through verbal communication or translated verbal communication. How well you participated in speaking about work other than your own.
Complete % of total points
All of the requirements of the assignment have been met on time. For example, if 5 photos were due and you only submitted 3 photos, you will get 3/5 of your total points earned from the other categories.
Multiply these numbers by 10 for summer courses. For example Technical Quality = 60 points.
Mercer County Community College is committed to ensuring the full participation of all students in its programs.
If you have a documented differing ability or think that you may have a differing ability that is protected under the ADA or Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, please contact Arlene Stinson in LB 216 for information regarding support services.