Mission Statement

The Radiography Program sponsored by Mercer County Community College welcomes a diverse student population of all ages from a wide variety of backgrounds, abilities, interests, levels of education, and economic circumstances to a challenging and supportive environment. Faculty and clinical affiliate personnel work collaboratively to ensure student success and offer the best college education and learning experience possible to qualified men and women. In addition, to prepare and graduate caring, professional, knowledgeable, and knowledgeable radiographers for entry level positions while encouraging life-long learning.

Goals and Student Learning Outcomes


Students will apply the essential skills to perform diagnostic radiographic procedures competently and professionally as entry level radiographers.

Student Learning Outcomes:

  • Students will employ correct positioning skills
  • Students will select technical factors to produce diagnostic quality images
  • Students will correctly apply radiation safety principles
  • Students will accurately apply patient care principles


Students will communicate effectively in a health care facility.

Student Learning Outcomes:

  • Students will employ appropriate communication skills with patients and staff
  • Students will clearly convey concepts and ideas through oral and written communications


Students will apply effective critical thinking skills.

Student Learning Outcomes:

  • Students will modify imaging procedures to accommodate non-routine patients
  • Students will analyze images and identify corrective measures to improve the quality


Students will exercise values and attitudes consistent with professional practice.

Student Learning Outcomes:

  • Students will demonstrate professionalism and integrate into clinical practice
  • Students will exhibit professional ethics and values consistent with clinical practice

About MCCC Radiography Program Accreditation

The Mercer County Community College Radiography Program continues to maintain full 8-year accreditation status as awarded by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology ( JRCERT, 20 North Wacker Drive, Suite 2850, Chicago, Illinois, 60606-3182; 312-704-5300; mail@jrcert.org) and the New Jersey Radiologic Technology Board of Examiners (NJRTBE, 25 Arctic Parkway, Trenton, NJ 08625, 609-984-5890). The maximum 8-year accreditation status was awarded based upon the most recent site visit in December 2017. General program accreditation information and the current accreditation award letter can be found here.


The JRCERT requires all radiography educational programs to publish key indicators of effectiveness. Please click here to download our results. You must use a viewer that supports "pdf" documents such as Adobe Reader.

The JRCERT requires all radiography educational programs to publish key indicators of effectiveness. Please click here  to download our results or follow the link to the JRCERT Mercer County Community College program page.


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