The Mercer County Fire Academy is located at the Captain John T. Dempster, Sr. Fire Service Training Center located in Lawrenceville. Set in a suburban area, the original mission was to provide a central training focus for the fire service community in and around Mercer County. Today the Dempster Center has an ever-expanding role in providing training to Fire and EMS personnel in the Mercer county region. The Academy is a division of Mercer County Community College.
The mission of the Mercer County Fire Academy (MCFA) is to prepare Mercer County Fire & Emergency Services personnel with the knowledge and skills necessary to successfully, safely and competently contribute to fulfilling their personal and organizational duties.
The Mercer County Fire Academy is committed to providing exceptional and realistic training opportunities through cost-effective innovation; by providing a staff built upon excellence, experience and professionalism; and through dedication to a high standard of customer service.
The Mercer County Fire Academy is committed to:
Doing the Right Thing - Integrity, trust, respect, and commitment
The Ideal that Everyone Must Make a Difference
Individual and organizational responsibility, accountability, teamwork, and Collaboration
Anticipating and Meeting the Mercer County Fire Service Needs
Proactive planning, innovation, creativity, responsiveness, and excellent customer service.
Dempster Fire Training Center
350 Lawrence Station Road
Lawrenceville NJ 08648
Phone: (609)799-3245
Fax: (609)799-1549