
At the top of every screen your online course, you will notice a list of words that looks like this...

These are breadcrumbs.

Each time you visit a page, it adds another item to the breadcrumb trail at the top of the screen. In the example above, the user went from their Home page into the Course, from the Course into the Lessons tab, from the Lessons Tab into Module 1, from Module 1 into Unit II and from Unit II into the Unit 2 Lab Assignment.

That's a lot of travelling!

Rather than having to hit the "Back" button on the browser several times to get from the module back to the course main page, the user can click on the "Course" link in the breadcrumb trail and be instantaneously transported back to the course home page. Or click on any other link in the breadcrumb trail and be taken back to the corresponding page.



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