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BIO201 General Microbiology    

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BIO201 -General Microbiology: Lecture and Labs In-person -Summer B 2024

Professor Diane Hilker                                                          
Course Coordinator, Microbiology

Office:  Health Science Building, Room HS113     

Summer B 2024 Office Hours: None available

Prof. Trokon Fiawoo-Summer B section 035 Instructor

Office:  HS113

Summer B 2024 Office Hours:  Mon, Wed and Fri 11:50-12:20pm


College Academic Semester Schedule  >

Lecture/Lab Times >

Final Exam Schedule >

Tutoring Schedule >

Lecture/Lab Times >

Final Exam Schedule >

Welcome to BIO201!  This 4 credit 200 level biology course will provide you with a look into the unseen life around us....microbes. Microbes consist of bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa and algae. Many people think of them as germs, but these intimate strangers are much more than that. They are the force that keeps our planet working. The inhabitants of this normally invisible world, taken together, represent the largest mass of living creatures on earth. All of life's diversity evolved from these simple, single cells. Their actions continue to drive the major chemical cycles that are important to life and their activities will shape all life in the future.

The core source of information for BIO201 will come from the lecture and laboratory component of the course.  It is essential that you read the Course Syllabus and Announcements in Blackboard carefully.  In the Course Syllabus, you will find pertinent information in regards to your lecture instructor office hours, required materials, grading, attendance, course objectives, lecture and lab schedules and exams. I highly recommend purchasing or renting the textbook, Microbiology by Tortora, 13th edition.  If you find an older edition (11th or 12th) of the textbook, that will be fine and will be less expensive. If you prefer not to purchase the textbook, there is a copy at the Circulation Desk of both the WWC and JKC Libraries and in the BIO201 Microbiology Lab (HS222) for students to use.

VIEW the Instructional Lab Videos! I have created 26 BIO201 YouTube instructional Lab Videos that you can access on the heading tab of this website.  View these videos before you have lab, during your lab and even after the lab to help reinforcement lab techniques and procedures.  There are 3 iPads in the laboratory that you can use while you are performing the procedures in the lab.  Feel free to revisit the videos throughout the semester especially when you are working on identifying your unknown microorganism in the laboratory.. 

If you have questions regarding lecture material, please contact your lecture instructor and if questions regarding lab, contact your lab instructor. Take advantage of our free tutoring with Chris Randolph (refer to Tutoring Schedule from above). Chris will be offering Microbiology Supplemental Instruction virtually.

We look forward to introducing you to the amazing field of microbiology!


Professor Diane Hilker and BIO201 lecture/lab Instructors

BIO201 Course Coordinator