Unit 1: Introduction

ENG101: Information Literacy

Unit 1 - Introduction to the MCCC Library

Welcome to the ENG101 Information Literacy/Library Tutorial. This tutorial will both introduce you to the services available from the MCCC Library as well as introduce you to using the online resources available to you from the MCCC Library. We will also discuss some computer search techniques that can help you become more effective and efficient searchers of both the MCCC Library's online databases as well as traditional web search engines like Google.


After completing this first unit you will be able to:

- Name the four libraries that are part of MCCC

- Give the hours of operation for each of the MCCC Libraries

- Use your MCCC student ID card to:

- Borrow physical materials (books, DVD's, etc.) from the MCCC Library

- Obtain course textbooks for use within the MCCC Library 

ENG101: Information Literacy

Unit 1 - Introduction to the MCCC Library

Mercer County Community College has four (4) branches:

West Windsor Campus Library - The Main Branch of the MCCC Libraries


Open Monday - Saturdays (closed Saturdays in summer).

Library hours are reduced between semesters

Current library hours are available here.

new library .jpg

James Kerney Campus Library (Trenton)


Open Monday -Saturdays (closed Friday & Saturday in summer).

Library hours are reduces between semesters

Current library hours are available here.



Dempster Fire Training Center Library


Contact the MCCC Library, 609-570-3554, for access to materials at this library.




The MCCC Virtual Library


Open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week



computer image: shutterstock.com



ENG101: Information Literacy

Unit 1 - Introduction to the MCCC Library

Your MCCC Student ID card is also your library card.You will need to show your Student ID card in order to:

- Borrow books, DVD's, and other library resources.

- Use course textbooks in the library [more on textbooks in a moment].


Remember to have a current semester sticker on your student ID card.

To obtain a current semester sticker, take a copy of your current class schedule and your student ID to the security desk in the Welcome Center.


Image from shutterstock.com



ENG101: Information Literacy

Unit 1 - Introduction to the MCCC Library

Textbooks for many courses offered at MCCC are available for your use in both the West Windsor and James Kerney Campus (JKC) libraries

- Ask for textbooks at the Circulation (Main) Desk in the front of the library.

- Asking for textbooks by course number (e.g. ENG101) makes it quicker for us to give you the correct textbook.

- Textbooks may only be used in the library (ask if an older edition of a textbook is available for you to check out of the library).

- If others are waiting to use the same textbook, there is a 2 hour limit for using a textbook.



Image from shutterstock.com



In the next unit, find out how to use keywords and added search strategies to be a more effective searcher