West Windsor – Professor Andrew Jackson, internationally recognized leader in the field of tribology and lubrication science, will be the next guest at the Mercer County Community College Distinguished Lecture Series on Wednesday, April 19, 2023. Jackson will cover the topic “Energy and Climate Change.” The event will take place at noon in room CM 108 in the Communications Building on MCCC's West Windsor campus, 1200 Old Trenton Road.
In 2020, fossil fuels made up 80% of the world’s energy and renewables made up 20%. By 2050, fossil fuels are projected by the Energy Information Administration (EIA) — the statistical agency of the Department of Energy — to fall to 70%, but the absolute amount, as well as carbon dioxide emissions, will increase by 25% due to growth in overall energy demand. The talk will discuss zero carbon energy sources and their potential for growth and for the displacement of fossil fuels.
Specifically, Professor Jackson will cover three topics:
1) The March 2023 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) AR6 report which gives the current projections of climate change and its impacts ( www.ipcc.ch/about/);
2) The projections for energy use to 2050 from the EIA International Energy Outlook (www.eia.gov/outlooks/ieo/narrative/introduction/sub-topic-01.php); and
3) Technical developments that could reduce greenhouse gas emissions from energy production and use, and associated issues and concerns.
There will be a question and answer session at the end of the talk.
About Andrew Jackson
Dr. Jackson has done research in lubricants with ExxonMobil for 35 years, and has taught energy and tribology courses at the University of Pennsylvania for 10 years. Jackson was a full-time member of the UPenn faculty until 2020 when he retired from teaching, and is now an adjunct professor involved with research. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and Fellow of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. He is also a member of the Pennington Borough Planning and Zoning Board and Environmental Commission.
Jackson has a BSc and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Imperial College, London.
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The MCCC Distinguished Lecture Series is supported by an MCCC Foundation designated fund. For more information on MCCC’s Distinguished Lecture Series call (609) 570-3324 or visit www.mccc.edu/lecture.
Andrew Jackson, internationally recognized leader in the field of tribology and lubrication science, will be the next guest speaker at the Mercer County Community College Distinguished Lecture Series on Wednesday, April 19, 2023. Jackson will cover the topic “Energy and Climate Change.” The event will take place from noon till 1 p.m. in room CM 108 in the Communications Building on the college’s West Windsor campus. The lecture is free and open to the public. (Photo credit: Andrew Jackson)