WEST WINDSOR – Mercer County Community College’s Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT) Program, under the supervision and direction of Professor Michael Hanna, recently received national accreditation by the National Institute of Metalworking Skills (NIMS). MCCC is the only institution in the state to receive the accredited certification in the nation’s precision manufacturing industry.
NIMS accreditation is the nation's only distinction for excellence in metalworking training as based on NIMS industry-written, industry-approved skills standards. Accredited programs demonstrate the ability to produce skilled, work-ready individuals that fulfill industry's 21st century workforce needs.
“NIMS accreditation is a mark of excellence for Mercer,” said Professor Hanna, who joined MCCC in 2018. “Earning this distinction in manufacturing, training and safety has established Mercer as the premier provider of Advanced Manufacturing Technology training programs in the state of New Jersey,” he said.
The Advanced Manufacturing Technology program at Mercer is designed to prepare students for the modern manufacturing environment. Certificates of proficiency in the industry are highly attractive to employers who implement team-oriented design, production, quality and maintenance systems within the manufacturing environment.
According to Hanna, it took two years of very hard work to get through the accreditation process. “I revamped the entire curriculum,” said Hanna.
In addition, students in the program sat through rigorous testing.
“Students passed ten out of twelve times, which is remarkable” Hanna said. “I, myself, also had to go through the accreditation and sit through the exams.”
As part of the accreditation and testing, a theory test must be passed as well as a hands-on test where actual parts are created and then inspected by a third party. The last step of accreditation was an onsite evaluation of the MCCC advanced manufacturing lab by two independent companies. It was a complete safety inspection.
“Students who take advantage of the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Program at MCCC will now have the opportunity to earn an NIMS credential which secures a competitive edge when applying for jobs, as they have demonstrated that their skills meet the established industry standards both on the practical side of advanced manufacturing as well as the theory side,” Hanna said.
Interested students may choose a full two-year degree program or individual certifications. For more information about Advancement Manufacturing Technology certificates visit https://www.mccc.edu/amt/academic_cert.shtml. For information about obtaining an Advanced Manufacturing Technology degree at Mercer visit https://www.mccc.edu/catalog/manuf_tech_amt_aas.shtml.
Professor Michael Hanna (left) and Advanced Manufacturing Technology student Andrew Hanson working in the lab on the Mercer County Community College campus before COVID-19. Mercer County Community College’s Advanced Manufacturing Technology (AMT) Program, under the supervision and direction of Professor Michael Hanna, recently received national accreditation by the National Institute of Metalworking Skills (NIMS). MCCC is the only institution in the state to receive the accredited certification in the nation’s precision manufacturing industry. For more information about degree and certificate programs in Advanced Manufacturing Technology at MCCC, please visit https://www.mccc.edu/amt/. Photo courtesy of Michael Hanna.