Trenton, N.J. - On June 24 and 25, Mercer County Community College held a Community Service Drive at its James Kerney Campus. 433 people received free food, clothing, books, and educational service information.
“Serving our communities is our first priority. This pandemic makes our mission to serve even more important and urgent,” says MCCC President, Dr. Jianping Wang. While COVID-19 is causing economic havoc to our nation and all of us, it hits the Trenton area particularly hard. MCCC has been keenly aware of the needs of our communities and has been in the forefront in delivering assistance through our student food vouchers and free computers programs. But we feel we need to do more.
A call for donation went to the entire college family in April. The college employee responded overwhelmingly and generously with donations. In addition, more than 40 volunteers of the college employees and their family members coordinated by our Bursar Lucia Joseph-Brown volunteered to distribute 188 bags of groceries containing nonperishable breakfast, lunch, and dinner items and free clothing and shoes to the needy families on June 24 and 25. The remaining clothing will be shipped out to Africa to support the needy families there.
While giving out donations, our staff also helped nine families to complete the Census, 10 people filled out the college applications and one person applied for the federal CARES Act Relief fund.
Our initiative was warmly and enthusiastically joined by The Children’s Futures, a non-profit organization founded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Trenton Public Library by supplying books and workshop information.
It is truly a community service project that brought our entire Trenton community together and brought our entire college community together. Mercer County Community College cares! We are here for our communities, particularly in a time of need like this one. We strongly belief that we are stronger together and we strongly believe in the empowerment through education.
Established in 1966, Mercer County Community College (MCCC) is a publicly supported comprehensive educational institution that provides opportunities for higher education through an open-door admission policy. MCCC is home to 70 associate degree programs and numerous credit and noncredit certificate programs. The college also offers many educational experiences, leadership opportunities and the chance to interact with other students and faculty/staff members in an informal setting.
More than 40 clubs offer students the opportunity to explore special interests. Many of these clubs are directly affiliated with fields of study and augment classroom experiences.
In addition, art exhibits, dance productions, dramatic presentations, musical productions, and performances by guest artists are sponsored throughout the year. Music organizations include the college chorus, jazz band, symphonic band, dance ensemble, and stage band.
For more information about student life, visit: https://www.mccc.edu/student_services_clubs.shtml
To assist the community during the COVID-19 pandemic, Mercer County Community College held a food and clothing donation drive on June 24 and 25.