Mercer County Police Academy State of New Jersey

Police Candidate Physical Fitness Preparation Program

The New Jersey Police Training Commission (PTC) has started a voluntary “Candidate Physical Fitness Preparation Program” that is designed to prepare participants for the physical demands of police training before entering a police academy. Participants will be able to gauge if they are capable of successfully completing the physical fitness requirements of academy training. The program will allow the participants to identify their deficiencies in physical fitness prior to paying for and/or attending an academy.

Each program will be two days a week for a total of three weeks (6 sessions). There will be thirty (30) seats available for the course. Law Enforcement hires will be given preference for available program seating. Remaining seats will be open to individuals interested in a law enforcement career.

In order to participate in the program, candidates must complete the attached application and return it to the academy no later than Thursday, October 10th 2024. Completed applications should be emailed to Detective Kristi Weeden at Applicants will be notified via email on Friday, October 11th, 2024 if they are accepted. All accepted applicants will be required to complete the waiver of liability form and the medical clearance form which can be found on the Mercer County Police Academy website. The medical clearance form and any cost incurred is the responsibility of the applicant. Both the waiver of liability form and medical clearance form must be brought with the applicant for the first session along with a valid photo I.D. or the participant will be denied entry.

The first session is MANDATORY and will take place on Tuesday, October 15th, 2024 beginning promptly at 7:00 am at the Mercer County Police Academy, 1200 Old Trenton Road West Windsor, NJ 08690. Participants will park in the “West” parking lot and proceed to the Engineering and Technology (ET) Building, room ET203. At this orientation, the importance of physical fitness throughout a law enforcement career will be discussed. There will be an overview of the PTC Physical Fitness Assessment and the required minimums that must be attained in order to pass. Participants will engage in a pre-workout warm-up and stretching program and be offered an opportunity to be assessed in accordance with PTC fitness standards. If at anytime during the physical conditioning session an individual is observed to be in distress, they will be directed to stop immediately and obtain follow up attention as needed. In addition, if an instructor observes a participant that is in danger to themselves or others, they will be counseled, and/or removed from the program. This is a voluntary program, participants can remove themselves from a program session or the program at any time. The remaining five sessions will consist of a warmup, stretching, cardiovascular exercises, strength training (upper/lower body), and proper technique. Session two through six will be held on the following dates/times:

Session 2: Thursday, October 17th, 2024 – 7:00am
Session 3: Tuesday, October 22nd, 2024 – 7:00am
Session 4: Thursday, October 24th, 2024 – 7:00am
Session 5: Tuesday, October 29th, 2024 – 7:00am
Session 6: Thursday, October 31th, 2024 – 7:00am

If at any time a participant requires medical attention, they will be required to obtain medical clearance by a physician to participate in all remaining future sessions. Participants are required to wear proper athletic attire and running shoes.

Any questions regarding the Police Candidate Physical Fitness Preparation Program can be emailed to or by calling the academy staff at 609-584-2302.


2025 PEP


Medical Cert
form PT PREP


Hold Harmless
Agreement PREP