Conflict Resolution


Benefits for the participants:

  • Assess conflict resolution styles
  • Identify misunderstandings in conflict situations
  • View others objectively
  • Acquire skills in stating complaints and requesting change
  • Become adept at cooperative forms of negotiation
  • Learn strategies for dealing with difficult people


Course Description:

Understanding how to manage professional relationships is one of the most demanding business skills we can learn. Professional relationships impact our careers, personal lives and, ultimately, people who support and rely upon us.

This program combines well researched models of communication within a variety of relationships, specifically our Customers, our Associates and our Peers.

Participants will experience unique strategies and techniques to build productive relationships, minimize workplace conflict, and respond to hostility resourcefully.


What You Will Cover:

  • Identify Productive and Unproductive conflict and why things go wrong
  • Recognize triggers that escalate conflict
  • Explore and create useful emotions and responses
  • Review conflict categories and resolution approaches
  • Resolve communication and needs conflicts
  • Influence values conflicts
  • Distinguish differences in personal preferences
  • Managing angry people


Course Hours: 4 to 12 hours