Visit Us Often for Added Events and Dates
Thursday, April 17, 2025
4:30pm EST via Zoom
in honor of Holocaust and Genocide Awareness Month
A conversation with the book’s author, Jennifer Voigt Kaplan
November 7, 2024 at 12 p.m. ET
Celebrate with an inspiring evening of support and survival with music and light fare
Monday, September 16, 2024 - 5 to 7 p.m.
Jewish Displaced Persons in Postwar Germany
May 1, 2024
Thursday, November 16 at 7PM via ZOOM
Presented by Dr. Victoria Khiterer
Past Event:
Past Event:
The History of Genocide in Cinema (Part II)
> event recording
Access Passcode: #QUPP0w8
> bibliography (PDF)
> meeting recording
Access Passcode: +TZu5K5@
Why Asian Discrimination?
April 20, 12-1:00pm
> meeting recording
Access Passcode: iStZS7W
"Attack one ethnic group and hatred towards one particular group is hatred to all mankind. And we cannot tolerate it. If there is one thing we learned from the Holocaust it is this: we must stand up against hatred of all forms, against any group, and as a humanity we must be united. United we win. Divided we lose."
MCCC President Dr. Jianping Wang:
Voyage of the MS St. Louis, 1939
April 7, 6-7:30pm
> event recording
Access Passcode: U@.k35FD
Topic: Author Liza Wiemer
Time: January 27, 2021 - 6:00 p.m. EST
International Holocaust Remembrance Day
> event recording
Access Passcode: &1=xN=&B
The Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights Education Center at Mercer is sponsoring a conversation with Professor Albert Hepner on Monday, November 9th at 12 noon by Zoom.
Professor Hepner was 5 years old when the Nazis conquered Belgium and would spend the next 5 years of his childhood in hiding from certain death. We will watch a video of his discussing his experience and follow this with a question and answer period with attendees.
This program is to remind people of Kristallnacht; the night when Hitler declared open war on the Jews in Germany and eventually all Europe.
We look forward to your joining our program.
Topic: The HGHRCenter Zoom Meeting Time: Nov 9, 2020, 12:00 p.m. EST
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 958 0774 2953
Phone: 1-646-876-9923
“There are so many things I DO NOT UNDERSTAND.”
What happens when the lone Jewish girl in a small Mississippi town challenges the rules of segregation in the hot summer of 1953?
Essie Rose Ginsberg, writer, loner, and all-time worrier is hoping for a carefree summer vacation. But when the family’s beloved housekeeper is suddenly called away, Essie Rose must figure out how to "get on with her business" and make her Pearlie May proud.
Inspired by the author’s childhood experiences in the Jim Crow South, Deanie Yasner’s coming-of-age debut novel is a moving, multi-layered, and meticulously researched story of loneliness and loyalty, bullying and friendship, loss, and courage.
“Yasner is a new talent to watch, and Essie Rose is an unforgettable character. Don't miss this story.”
— Anna Myers, author of 20 books for young people, including Tulsa Burning
“An absolute delight. I laughed. I cried. I loved it.”
— Mary Guess Flamer, Ed.D., Former Title I Coordinator, NJ Department of Education
"An emotionally moving and well-researched story about a young girl discovering her inner courage to do what is right. Pearlie May's Half Dozen Words is wisdom for the ages."
>— Jennifer Sirak - Children's Librarian -New York Times Librarian Award recipient
The Holocaust, Genocide, and Human Rights Education Center is hosting a live interview with Deanie Yasner to discuss her new book: "Essie Rose's Revelation Summer." Ms. Yasner will be interviewed by Barbara Krasner, history and English instructor at both Mercer County Community College and William Paterson University and a children's book reviewer for the Association of Jewish Libraries.
This interview will be live and provided by a Zoom connection on Thursday, October 8th at 12 noon. The link for Zoom is:
Topic: Interview with author Deanie Yasner
Time: Oct 8, 2020, 12:00 noon EDT
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 914 3112 3856
FALL 2019 >>> view/print schedule
All events at 12 noon in Holocaust Center (LB200) unless otherwise noted.
Thursday, September 12
Student Roundtable Discussion
Crime and Punishment in the United States
Tuesday, September 24
"Poland and the Holocaust --
Reflections on Mercer’s Four Study Abroad Trips to Eastern Europe, 2013-2019"
-- Prof. Laura Knight, Dr. Jack Tabor, and Dr. Craig Coenen
Tuesday, October 15
Film: "Only a Number"
Local filmmaker Steve Besserman tells the story of his parents who survived the Holocaust.
Tuesday, October 22
"Avrumele: Recollections of a Hidden Child"
-- Holocaust survivor Al Hepner
Tuesday, October 29
Student Roundtable Discussion
What is an American?
Thursday, November 7
Kristallnacht Remembrance
A discussion and moment of reflection on the Nazi pogrom in 1938.
Tuesday, November 12
Holocaust Survivors' Luncheon
(date tentative; may change)
Tuesday, November 19
"Eight Days in Auschwitz, 2019"
-- Dr. Craig Coenen
Thursday, December 5
Student Roundtable Discussion
The Second Amendment
SPRING 2019 >>> view/print schedule
All events at 12 noon in Holocaust Center (LB200) unless otherwise noted.
Thursday, February 7
Student Roundtable Discussion
Are Walls Immoral?
Thursday, February 14
Film: "Only a Number"
Local filmmaker Steve Besserman tells the story of his parents who survived the Holocaust.
Tuesday, February 19
Student Roundtable Discussion
Capitalism: Rooted in Democracy or Fascism?
Thursday, February 28
"Avrumele: Recollections of a Hidden Child"
-- Holocaust survivor Al Hepner
Thursday, March 7
Eric Foner, "How the Civil War and Reconstruction Remade the Constitution."
Presentation will be in room CM 109 at 12pm.
Thursday, March 28
Student Roundtable Discussion
Genocide and Tourism
Thursday, April 4
Holocaust Survivors' Luncheon
(date tentative; may change)
Tuesday, April 9
Craig R. Coenen, "Rwanda, 25 Years Later."
Wednesday, April 10
Marcia Haddad Ikonomopolus, "The Holocaust in Greece."
This talk will be held at 7pm in the Holocaust Center.
Monday, April 29
Reflection and Remembrance of the Armenian Genocide.
Thursday, May 2
Yom HaShoah: Commemoration of Holocaust Remembrance Day
Wednesday, June 5
NJ State Holocaust and Genocide Commission Educator’s Conference
(held in MCCC Conference Center) Event runs from 8:30am until 1pm.
FALL 2018 >>> view/print schedule
All events at 12 noon in Holocaust Center (LB200) unless otherwise noted.
Thursday, September 13
Student Roundtable Discussion
"Conflict, Genocide, and Reparations"
Tuesday, September 18
"Studying the Holocaust in Poland"
Presentation of past trips and Poland 2019 Study Abroad Information Session
-- Prof. Laura Knight, Dr. Jack Tabor, and Dr. Craig Coenen
Thursday, September 27
Speaker: Dr. Craig Coenen
"The Destruction of Smyrna, 1922"
Thursday, October 4
Speaker: Dr. Ed Avery-Natale
"Fascism Beyond Nazis"
Thursday, October 11
"Oswiecim: The City That Was Auschwitz and Its Struggle With the Past"
Presentation and Poland 2019 Study Abroad Information Session
-- Prof. Laura Knight, Dr. Jack Tabor, and Dr. Craig Coenen
Tuesday, October 16 - in CM 109
Speaker: Prof. Yevgeniy Fiks
"Reflections of Birobidzhan: Soviet Union's Jewish Autonomous Region in Art"
Tuesday, October 23
Film: "Only a Number"
Local filmmaker Steve Besserman tells the story of his parents who survived the Holocaust.
Tuesday, October 30
Student Roundtable Discussion
"Immigration and Human Rights"
Thursday, November 1
Speakers: Shelly Eisenberg, Steve Besserman, and Margaret Boghossian Bar-Akiva
"The Importance of Second Generation Survivors"
Thursday, November 8
Kristallnacht Remembrance
A discussion and moment of reflection on the Nazi pogrom in 1938
Thursday, November 8 - 6:30 p.m. in Conference Center auditorium
Film: "Scandal in Ivansk"
Tuesday, November 13
Holocaust Survivors' Luncheon
Thursday, November 29
Student Roundtable Discussion
"What Is Truth?"
Thursday, December 6
"Museums and Memory in Post-World War II Poland"
Presentation and Poland 2019 Study Abroad Information Session
-- Prof. Laura Knight, Dr. Jack Tabor, and Dr. Craig Coenen
SPRING 2018 >>> news announcement
All events at 12 noon in Holocaust Center (LB200) unless otherwise noted.
Thursday, January 25
Student Roundtable Discussion
"Ethical Questions and Dilemmas and Genocide"
Tuesday, January 30
Film: Aghet - A Genocide
Documentary on the Armenian Genocide.
Thursday, February 8
Student Roundtable Discussion
"Sexual Violence and Genocide"
Tuesday, February 20
Film: "Only a Number"
Local filmmaker Steve Besserman tells the story of his parents who survived the Holocaust.
Monday, February 26 – (7pm) – Conference Center Main Auditorium
Film: "Only a Number"
Local filmmaker Steve Besserman tells the story of his parents who survived the Holocaust.
Tuesday, February 27 and Thursday, March 1
Film: "Tickling Giants"
Sara Taksler, Senior Producer of the Daily Show, tells the story of Dr. Bassem Youssef (the Egyptian Jon Stewart) and his fight for free speech in Egypt. (12-1pm each day)
Tuesday, March 27 [POSTPONED - Rescheduling To Be Announced]
Speaker: E. Jan Kounitz
"My Father’s Journey" World War II collage presentation
Tuesday, March 27 [RESCHEDULED from earlier in the month]
Speaker: Craig R. Coenen
"Oswiecim, Poland, Since 1945: Living with Auschwitz"
Thursday, March 29 [RESCHEDULED from earlier in the month]
Speaker: Yevgeniy Fiks
"Art in the Stalinist Soviet Union"
Thursday, April 12
Yom HaShoah: Commemoration of Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Wednesday, April 18 - room CM109, West Windsor Campus
Jonathan Friedman Director, Holocaust Genocide Studies, West Chester University
"The Holocaust in Feature Films - Problematic Trends and Themes"
Tuesday, April 24
Holocaust Survivors' Luncheon. (This is a tentative date and may be changed).
Tuesday, May 1
Student Roundtable Discussion
"Cultural Genocide"
Thursday, June 7 - 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at MCCC Conference Center
NJ State Holocaust and Genocide Commission Educator’s Conference
FALL 2017 >>> news announcement
All events at 12 noon in Holocaust Center (LB200) unless otherwise noted.
Thursday, September 7, 2017 - 12 noon
Student Roundtable Discussion: Confederate Monuments and Civil Rights
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center (2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
Tuesday, September 12, 2017 - 12 noon
Speaker: Margaret Bar-Akiva
"The Yalenezian-Boghossian Family and the Armenian Genocide"
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center (2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
Thursday, October 5, 2017 - 12 noon
Film: Only a Number
Local filmmaker Steve Besserman tells the story of his parents who survived the Holocaust
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center (2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Student Roundtable Discussion: Fake News and Genocide - 12 noon
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center (2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
Film: Tickling Giants - 7 p.m., Conference Center
Sara Taksler, Senior Producer of the Daily Show, tells the story of Dr. Bassem Youssef (the Egyptian Jon Stewart)
and his fight for free speech in Egypt. >>> news announcement
Tuesday, October 31, 2017 - 12 noon
Speaker: Dr. Jack Tabor
"Memory, Memorials, and Space and the Holocaust"
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center (2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
Thursday, November 2, 2017 - 12 noon
Speaker: Sharon Taksler
"World War II Propaganda on the Home Front"
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center (2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
Thursday, November 9, 2017 - 12 noon
Kristallnacht Remembrance
discussion and moment of reflection on the Nazi pogrom in 1938
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center (2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
Tuesday, November 14, 2017 (date subject to change) - 12 noon
Holocaust Survivors' luncheon
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center (2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
Thursday, November 30, 2017 - 12 noon
Speaker: Lynne Azarchi
"Walking in the Shoes of My Polish Jewish Ancestors"
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center (2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
Thursday, December 7, 2017 - 12 noon
Student Roundtable Discussion: Religion as a Basis for Discrimination
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center (2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
January 24, 2017
Movie: "Ravished Armenia: The Auction of Souls" - 12 noon
1919 film clip on Armenian Genocide
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
February 9, 2017
Movie: "The Karski Report" - 12 noon
Jan Karski, Polish Resistance member, talks about his experiences in World War II
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
February 16, 2017
Movie: "Only a Number" - 12 noon
by local filmmaker Steve Besserman about his parents who survived the Holocaust
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
February 28, 2017
Movie: "A Film Unfinished" - 12 noon
raw footage from the Warsaw Ghetto, May, 1942
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
March 2, 2017
Lecture: "Katyn, Warsaw Rising, Auschwitz, and Gettysburg: the Role of Museums in a Post-Conflict Society" - 12 noon
presented by Dr. Craig Coenen
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
March 7, 2017
Movie: "A Day in Auschwitz" - 12 noon
a survivor goes back to Auschwitz and tells her story
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
March 28, 2017
Lecture: "Who Tells the Story: The Holocaust and the Next Generation" - 12 noon
presented by Professor Laura Knight
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
April 4, 2017
Survivors' Luncheon - 12 noon
hosted by Kappa Delta Pi Education Honor Society in collaboration with the Holocaust and Genocide Resource Center
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
April 24, 2017
Commemoration of Yom HaShoah: Holocaust Remembrance Day - 12 noon
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
April 27, 2017
Panel Discussion: "The Media and Fascism: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow" - 12 noon
Dr. Jack Tabor leads
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
May 4, 2017
Memorial for Dr. Paul Winkler - 12 noon
honoring the former director of the New Jersey State Holocaust and Genocide Commission
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
September 8, 2016
Movie: "Ravished Armenia: The Auction of Souls" - 12 noon
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
September 20, 2016
Movie: "The Power of Good: Nicholas Winton and Saving Children During the Holocaust" - 12 noon
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
September 29, 2016
Movie: "Only a Number" - 12 noon
by local filmmaker Steve Besserman about his parents who survived the Holocaust
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
October 6, 2016
"Mercer in Poland: Studying the Holocaust" - 12 noon
overview of Spring 2017 MCCC Study Tour opportunity presented by faculty members Dr. Jack Tabor and Dr. Craig Coenen
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
October 11, 2016
Movie: "A Day in Auschwitz" - 12 noon
a survivor goes back to Auschwitz and tells her story
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
October 18, 2016
Lecture: "Gateway to Freedom: The Hidden History of the Underground Railroad" - 12 noon
presented by Pulitzer-Prize winning historian from Columbia University, Dr. Eric Foner
CM109, West Windsor Campus
November 3, 2016
Memorial for Elie Wiesel - 12 noon
a reflection on the life of the Holocaust survivor and award-winning author
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
November 10, 2016
Remembering Kristallnacht - 12 noon
discussion and moment of reflection on the Nazi pogrom in 1938
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
November 15, 2016
Movie: "Ghosts of Rwanda" - 12 noon
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
November 17, 2016
Survivors' Luncheon - noon to 1:15 p.m.
hosted by Kappa Delta Pi Education Honor Society in collaboration with the Holocaust and Genocide Resource Center
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
December 1, 2016
Memorial for Dr. Paul Winkler - 12 noon
honoring the former director of the New Jersey State Holocaust and Genocide Commission
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
"Movies at Noon" related to The Holocaust and Genocides - 12 noon
"Movies at Night" related to The Holocaust and Genocides - 6 to 8 p.m.
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
October 15, 2015
Panel Discussion: Legacy and Lessons of the Nuremberg Laws
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
November 10, 2015
Guest Speaker: Kristallnacht commemoration - "Night of Broken Glass"
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
November 19, 2015
Survivors' Luncheon - noon to 1:15 p.m.
Hosted by Kappa Delta Pi Education Honor Society in collaboration with the Holocaust and Genocide Resource Center. Holocaust studies students and Education majors will be partnered with survivors for an opportunity to hear life stories and to ask questions.
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
February (Tuesdays)
"Movies at Noon" related to The Holocaust and Genocides - 12 noon
CM110, West Windsor Campus
March 10, 2015
Dr. Jack Tabor Lecture: "Photography and the Holocaust" - 4:30 p.m.
A relationship between the photographic image as cultural artifact and the Holocaust as an historical event will be explored. Analyzing photographic images for use in the classroom.
CM110, West Windsor Campus
March 26, 2015
Holocaust Survivors' Luncheon - 12 noon > recap
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
April 16, 2015
Commemoration of Yom HaShoah: Holocaust Memorial Day - 12 noon
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
April 23, 2015
Auction of Souls (Ravished Armenia) and Discussion - 12 noon remember the 100th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
April 28, 2015
The Greek-Jewish Experience - 4:30 p.m.
lecture and discussion with author and filmmaker Isaak Dostis
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
June 2, 2015 - 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Statewide Teachers Conference
Conference Center ( MC), West Windsor Campus
Holocaust Center Spotlights Role of Latin America as Refuge
In honor of Hispanic Heritage Month, the Mercer County Holocaust-Genocide Resource Center will provide information regarding the role Latin America played for European Jews seeking refuge from 1933 through 1945. Christina Chavarria, program coordinator at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, researched Latin America as a refuge during the Holocaust and urges that these less-familiar stories be told alongside more common tales of survivors who fled to the United States and Israel. Some 84,000 Jewish refugees escaped the Nazis by immigrating to Latin American countries between 1933 and 1945.
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
Saturday, October 18, 2014
MCCC Open House - 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
The Holocaust Center will participate in the Open House, and provide two workshops (11:15 a.m. to 12 noon and 1:15 to 2 p.m. to introduce the Holocaust and Genocide Resource center, provide information about scheduled events, and provide an interactive game that will teach participants about the Holocaust.
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
October 28, 2014
Survivors' Luncheon - noon to 1:15 p.m.
Hosted by Kappa Delta Pi Education Honor Society in collaboration with the Holocaust and Genocide Resource Center. Holocaust studies students will be partnered with survivors for an opportunity to hear life stories and to ask questions.
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
November (Tuesdays)
Movies related to The Holocaust and Genocides - noon
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
November 19, 2014
Reception and Reading with Award-Winning Children's Author - 4:30 p.m. > details > recap
Rebecca Upjohn is a noted author of the children's book The Secret of the Village Fool. This story is based on the real life experience of the Zeiger family and how they were hidden during the Holocaust.
Conference Center ( MC), West Windsor Campus
November 25, 2014
Second Survivors' Luncheon - noon to 1:15 p.m.
Holocaust studies students and Education majors will be partnered with survivors for an opportunity to hear life stories and to ask questions.
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
September 16, 2014
Talk on Nazi-Occupied Poland - two sessions: noon to 1 p.m. and 4:30 to 5:30 p.m.
In 2013, History Professor Dr. Craig Coenen led a study tour to Poland to study the Holocaust. His presentation offers a look into what the group witnessed, the differing ways the Holocaust is understood and remembered in Poland, and the importance of Holocaust and Genocide Studies. Those interested in the May 2015 Study Abroad trip to Poland can contact Global Education Director Andrea Lynch at
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
February 25, 2014
"Violence Awareness Day"
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
March 4, 2014 - 12 noon -- Only a Number
a true story of a holocaust survivor struggle to survive, love and remember
March 11, 2014 - 12 noon -- Defiance
war refugees become freedom fighters
March 25, 2014 - 12 noon -- Sarah's Key
July 1942 France a 10 year old is arrested but first hides her brother
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
April 22, 2014 - 4 to 6 p.m.
Exhibit and Guest Speaker > details
To commemorate Yom HaShoah -- April 28, the day of remembrance of victims of the Holocaust -- the Jerry Cascione Exhibit and the Warsaw sketches will be on display until August 2014.
The Jerry Casciano exhibit, "Surviving the Plan," contains 20 photographs that were taken in the ruins of Auschwitz, Treblinka, and the Warsaw Ghetto, along with 10 photos of survivors. All of the survivors depicted in the exhibit are New Jersey residents.
A survivor, Dr. Vera Goodkin, will be guest speaker from 4 to 5 p.m.
Dr. Goodkin and her parents escaped to Budapest, Hungary, after they were betrayed in their hiding place in Czechoslovakia in 1944. Their escape to Budapest led them through muddy fields late on a cold, rainy night. They ultimately survived only with the help of the famous rescuer, Raoul Wallenberg.
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
May 6, 2014 - 4:30 p.m.
A Global Journey Through Music and Discussion
Vocalists will present several songs that are representative of the Holocaust and the Genocides. > recap
A reception will follow.
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
September 10, 2013 - 1 to 3 p.m.
Panel Discussion: 150th anniversary of Emancipation Proclamation
Diverse views and perspectives will examine the Emancipation Proclamation from its historical significance to social and racial impact, present and future, as well as problems remaining. > details > recap
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
October 10, 2013 - 12 noon
"Movies at Noon" -- Bent
The HGRC in collaboration with MCCC clubs Kappa Delta Pi, The Future Teachers, and LGBTF will present and discuss "Bent," a movie that depicts the experience of homosexuals during the Holocaust. This is one of the first in a series of educational movies that will be presented on Thursday at noon in the Holocaust Center. > details
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
October 15, 2013 - 4 p.m.
Panel Discussion: Human Trafficking - a Violation of Human Freedom
With the Super Bowl expected to bring an influx of thousands of people into New Jersey, the state will be at an increased vulnerability to human trafficking. New Jersey is already a prime location for domestic and international human trafficking because of its central location between the New York metropolitan area and the tri-state metropolitan region of Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington, D.C. It is the most densely populated state in the U.S. and has the third highest proportion of foreign born residents at nearly 20 percent. A panel of experts will discuss human trafficking. > details
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
October 29, 2013 - 12 noon and 4 p.m.
Bullying Awareness Day; Viewing of the Documentary Bully
The HGRC in collaboration with the clubs KDP and FTC will show the documentary "Bully" and also display posters and hand out information on how to prevent bullying. A fundraiser will support victims of abuse at HomeFront. Finally, we will host a presentation by the people from the Kids-bridge museum at TCNJ. > details
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
November 12, 2013 - 4 p.m.
Kristallnacht 75th Anniversary Program of Remembrance
* 2 Professional Development Hours Provided
The year 2013 marks the 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht. Because of the significance of this anniversary, we are presenting a program of remembrance that will include a survivor, a film and a musical interlude. > register
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
December 4, 2013 - 4 to 6 p.m.
International Education Workshop: "How is the Holocaust Taught in Russia"
* 2 Professional Development Hours Provided
Participants will have the opportunity to hear a presentation and engage in dialogue with Dr. Ilya Atlman, Director of Moscow Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center. > register
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
April 9, 2013 - 4:30 p.m.
Lecture: Holocaust Survivor and MCCC Professor Emeritus
Dr. Vera Goodkin, professor emeritus at Mercer County Community College who escaped the Holocaust with the help of famed rescuer Raoul Wallenberg, will offer a presentation in observance of Holocaust Remembrance Day. > details
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
March 7, 2013 - 4:30 p.m.
Professional Development Workshop
The descendant of a Holocaust survivor, Josh Besserman, will offer a professional development workshop on using the documentary film " Only a Number" in Holocaust curriculum. > details
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
February 13, 2013 - 4:30 p.m.
Lecture: Jasha Levi, Author and Holocaust Survivor
The community is invited to a lecture by author and Holocaust survivor Jasha Levi. Now 90 years old, Mr. Levi will recall his life as an anti-Nazi student revolutionary and anti-Soviet protestor, as well as his career path as a foreign reporter and then an American laborer, draftsman, sales clerk, and executive of two national non-profits. > details > event recap
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
January 31, 2013 - 6 p.m.
Open House and Film Screening
The film "Children of Terror" will be shown at 7:30 p.m., followed by a Q&A with the producer, Rider University Professor Dr. Shawn Kildea. > details
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
October 3, 2012 - 4:30 p.m.
Learn about the Bangladeshi Genocide from survivor and Mercer County resident, Dr. Nuran Nabi. The Bangladesh liberation war was bloody. Three million people were killed, thousands of women were raped, and ten million people were forced to become refugees. And yet, the war criminals responsible for these atrocities have never been brought to justice. > details
October 11, 2012 - 4:30 p.m.
Participate in OUCH: Your Silence Hurts! and learn how to go from being a bystander to being an upstander in the face of everyday bias, prejudice and hatred. This is a great session for students and teachers. > details
October 17, 2012 - 4:30 p.m.
Join us for the grand opening of BESA: Muslim Albanian Rescuers of the Holocaust. This international exhibit features the photographs and biographies of the brave men and women who valued honor in the face of adversity, hiding their Jewish neighbors from Nazi invaders during World War II. We are proud to partner with the Muslim Student Association of Mercer County Community College for this event. > details
November 13, 2012 - 4:30 p.m.
Commemorate Kristallnacht with A Day to Remember: Survivors and Recipes. Mercer County Community College Culinary Arts Professor Frank Benowitz will cook up traditional Ashkenazi dishes as we review recipes and survivor stories from "The Holocaust Survivor Cookbook." > details
February 1, 2012 - 4 to 7:30 p.m.
Open House
The community is invited. Guests will meet the co-directors and learn more about the facility's resources and programming. K-12 educators will find materials to assist them in teaching about the lessons of the Holocaust and other genocides. > details
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
February 29, 2012 - 4:30 p.m.
Shake Hands with the Devil
Eugenie Mukeshimana, survivor of the Rwandan Genocide, will lead us in a discussion of Romeo Dallaire's powerful indictment of the UN and those world superpowers that turned a blind eye to the Rwandan massacre. > details
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
March 28, 2012 - 4:30 p.m.
Echoes & Reflections
A powerful 21st Century resource created by the ADL to connect Holocaust education to current curriculum and academic standards using interactive web-based technology. Participants will receive an underwritten copy of this award-winning curriculum. > details -- registration required
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
April 4, 2012 - 4:30 p.m.
War Horse
How can a book (or a play, or a movie) teach peace? Learn about how contemporary fiction can be used to teach tolerance and respect in the classroom from veteran educators Elizabeth DeGiorgio (MCHGRC Co-Director and Education Professor, MCCC) and Lisa O'Neill (MCHGRC Advisory Commission Member and Guidance Counselor, Steinert HS). > details
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
April 18, 2012 - 7 p.m.
Only a Number
Congregation Beth Chaim, 329 Village Rd E., Princeton Jct., NJ 08550
Mercer County honors Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) with a FREE screening of one New Jersey survivor's story. Discussion with the filmmaker, Steve Besserman, to follow. Only a Number, Besserman's own mother's biography, has won multiple film festival awards and is now being used in classrooms across the Garden State.
May 15, 2012 - 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Annual Professional Development Workshop
Teaching Holocaust/Genocide while fulfilling NJ Core Curriculum Content Standards: Reinvigorate your classroom with exciting ideas and fresh lesson plans!
Conference Center, West Windsor Campus
November 15, 2011 - 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.
Lecture on the book Night
The community is invited to an important talk by Dr. Mary Johnson, author and senior historian with Facing History and Ourselves, who will host a vibrant discussion on one of the most commonly used books cited in New Jersey's Holocaust education curriculum, "Night," by Elie Wiesel. > details
To register for this lecture, click here.
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
October 27, 2011 - noon
Lecture: "South Sudan: Destruction and Rebirth"
The community is invited to this free lecture by retired Woodbridge Township Police Lt. Herbert Williams, a specialist in the training of police officers and intelligence professionals, who will tell about his international experience in Africa. > details
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
February 16, 2011 - 4:30 p.m.
Book Discussion on The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II
The community is invited to join in a conversation about the Iris Chang controversial bestseller published in 1997.
Professor Saul Goldwasser, Director of the Mercer County Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center, notes, "We will look at the filters of national and political interests that impact the maintenance of historical records. We will also talk about bias in the media and in cultural memory with regard to history, government, language arts, and sociology. What is the appropriate response to atrocities of such magnitude? How are subsequent generations expected to process events such as these and incorporate them into their national identity?" > details
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
February 22, 2011 - 1 p.m.
Screening of the documentary film The Rape of Nanking
(associated with the February 16 book discussion -- see above)
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
May 17, 2011 - 8:30 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.
Annual teachers Workshop at the Conference Center, Mercer County Community College, West Windsor Campus:
Topic: "When Controversy Enters the Classroom: From Stereotyping to Bullying."
Early Registration call State of NJ Commission on Holocaust Education, 609-292-9274
October 11 - November 5, 2010
Photography Exhibit on the Holocaust and Genocide
"From the Warsaw Ghetto to Darfur" > details
The Gallery, in the CM Building, West Windsor Campus
November 17, 2010 - 4:30 p.m.
Roundtable Discussion of the Arthur Miller Book Focus
The community is invited to join in a conversation about the book, first released in 1945, and explore anti-Semitism in America during the waning days of World War II. > details
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
November 23, 2010 - 1 p.m.
Screening of the Film Version of the Arthur Miller Book Focus
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
April 21, 2010 - 4:30 to 6 p.m.
Open Discussion and Analysis of Hollywood World War II Film, Defiance
This event is open to all students, faculty, and members of the community.
In addition, a showing of the film will take place on Tuesday, April 20 at 12 noon, also in the Center.
Holocaust/Genocide Resource Center
(2nd floor of Library Bldg., West Windsor Campus)
May 18, 2010 starting at 8:30 a.m.
Annual Spring Teachers Workshop
Tentative Title: From a Child's Perspective: A World Without Prejudice
The Center's annual workshop is attended by Mercer County teachers as well as teachers throughout the state, K-12. Addressing bias, prejudice and intolerance reduction, this year's theme will highlight the life of educator, physician, administrator Janusz Korczak, moral leader during WW II and the Holocaust.
Conference Center, West Windsor Campus
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Annual Film Festival
Film: SAND AND SORROW a Darfur Documentary narrated by George Clooney with Elie Wiesel. NY Times Columnist Nicholas Kristof, Harvard Professor Samantha Power and Barack Obama. Shown at noon in CM 109 on the West Windsor Campus of Mercer County Community College. Free and Open to the Public
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Annual Center Lecture
Professor Emeritus Irving Louis Horowitz
University Professor & Hannah Arendt Distinguished Professor of Sociology and Political Science - Rutgers University
GENOCIDE: Twenty-First Century Variations on the Theme of Genocide
Lecture at noon in CM 109 on the West Windsor Campus of Mercer County Community College. Prof. Horowitz's book, Taking Lives: Genocide and State Power (5th edition) may be purchased in the college bookstore. Lecture is free and open to the public.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Annual Holocaust/Genocide Workshop
Starting at 9:00 A.M. in the Conference, MCCC, West Windsor Campus. Followed by a late afternoon session starting at 4:30 PM. Open to all interested parties.
Workshops are free and open to all NJ teachers. Late afternoon session continues and is open to all Mercer County teachers and others. Lunch and dinner served. Sponsored by Mercer County Holocaust/Genocide Center in conjunction with the Mercer County NJ Teachers' Association and the State of New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education. Five professional development hours are available to teachers.
For further information, contact Dr. Paul Winkler: