About Continuing Studies


We are glad you are here! Our goal is to offer lifelong learning opportunities that meet emerging business and professional development needs as well as personal interests of those in the community we serve.

We strive to stay current on the trends in the job force so that we may best prepare our students to excel in their career or embark on a new one. We offer a wealth of classes and programs that update skills, provide new and improved certifications and enable growth both professionally and personally. For employers who are able to assist their employees in gaining expertise for immediate use on the job, we offer employer sponsorship opportunities. The form can be downloaded HERE.

We appreciate your visiting our site and hope you find what you are looking for. If there is an area that you would like to see added, please contact us. As your community college, we look to serve community needs in the best ways possible.

Register for Courses Today

You can register online, by mail, or by phone:

If you have questions:

Continuing education courses are subject to cancellation if minimum enrollment requirements are not fulfilled.


Mercer County residents who are age 65 or over are eligible to apply a 20% discount to many non-credit courses, provided all course prerequisites are met. Seniors need to register in person and present proof of birth date and current address in order to qualify. Contact CCS for more information:


Did your employer recommend additional training for you? If so, register for your course by filling out the registration and employer sponsorship forms below. When they are filled out, fax them to 609-570-3883.

Employer Sponsor Form 2025.pdf


Policies & Procedures


Tuition and fees must be paid in full upon registration.

  • Pay be credit card in the online registration system.
  • Checks and money orders may be used for payment either in person or by mail.
  • Cash is accepted for in-person registration only; please do not mail cash.

There will be a $20 administrative fee charged for the first returned check and a $35 charge for any subsequently returned checks.

VISA, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover are accepted for payment by phone, fax, mail, or in-person.


Course descriptions include required materials and book information. Required texts are available for purchase through the MCCC Bookstore (www.mccc.bkstr.com). Questions regarding Bookstore policy and procedure can be directed to 609.570.3416. Bookstore hours are subject to change, please visit the website to confirm hours. 

Inclement Weather/Emergency Closings

When classes are canceled due to inclement weather or other reasons, please check the MCCC website (www.mccc.edu) for more information. 

Refund Policy

If it is 10 or more days before the beginning of a class, you will receive a 100% refund. If it is less than 10 days before the class start date, no refunds will be provided.

Credit card payments will be refunded to the credit card; cash and check payments will be refunded via a check from MCCC made out to the student, unless employer-sponsored.

Code of Conduct

All student behavior should support and encourage – not hinder or disrupt – the learning process.

The following expectations are examples of appropriate student conduct:

  • Students must follow all directions from instructors and CCS staff, and be respectful and courteous in all communications and interactions.
  • Students should arrive to class and return from break on time.
  • Cell phones should be off or on silent mode; no texting or Instant Messaging during classroom time.
  • Students who need to leave a class in session should do so quietly. The Instructor should be advised in advance of situations requiring known departures from the room.
  • Classroom instruction time is for all participants:
    • All conversations should be relevant to the course content.
    • Students should refrain from distracting behaviors such as walking around or having conversations with other students.
    • Students should be respectful and attentive during discussions or presentations.
  • Students are expected to honor the MCCC Student Code of Conduct, (available on line at http://www.mccc.edu/pdf/handbook.pdf) Disciplinary Process for Center for Continuing Studies 

Students who do not comply with CCS Conduct Expectations

The Instructor will give a verbal warning to the student. The instructor will document the incident in writing and forward it to the Continuing Studies department by email.

Students who continue non-compliance with CCS Conduct Expectations

The Instructor will notify the student that she/he must schedule a meeting with CCS department prior to the next class meeting date. The instructor will document the incident in writing and email it to the CCS department. After discussion and counseling, if the student agrees to respect all expectations, the CCS department will allow a return to the course and will notify the course Instructor in writing. 

If the student is unwilling to comply with the expectations, CCS will notify the instructor. The student will be dismissed from the course with no refund. The CCS department will determine if there is to be a restriction on future registrations and will send formal documentation to

  • The student
  • The sponsoring agency, if appropriate
  • The dean of the Division of Lifelong Learning 

Violations of the MCCC Student Code of Conduct will be reported to MCCC Security. Confirmed violations will result in dismissal from the course without a refund.

Appeal Process

  • Violation of CCS Student Code of Conduct – Students may file a written appeal with the Dean, Division of Lifelong Learning. The Dean will review and has the option to hold a meeting with all parties prior to rendering a decision. A decision will be made within 5 business days of the appeal.
  • Violation of the MCCC Student Code of Conduct/Threat to Safety - Students may file a written appeal with the Dean, Division of Lifelong Learning. The Dean will review and has the option to hold a meeting with all parties prior to rendering a decision. A decision will be made within 5 business days of the appeal.