ATTENTION: Registration for classes may close up to fifteen (15) days before the start date. If you have any questions regarding your registration or the status of your class, please reach out to the Non-Credit Registration Desk at (609)570-3311 or email for further information. It is also suggested that you do not purchase textbooks untill seven (7) days before the start date of a class to ensure the class is running. Please be sure to check your email up to three (3) days before the start of your class for potential updates.
These classes are for general contractors who are seeking to advance their careers and become New Jersey State Inspectors for local municipalities. The New Jersey State Department of Community Affairs (DCA) offers tuition reimbursement for qualified applicants. The information below lists the courses Mercer County Community College will offer this term. All course work within a particular discipline must be taken in the appropriate sequence (i.e. RCS, ICS, HHS). For a complete list of the courses offered statewide, see the DCA website at
For hybrid courses that have an online component students must have a computer with speaker and microphone, Chrome browser and a valid email address.
Please note: After successfully completing the required courses, contractors also need to pass National Exams. Students that need additional material and training for the national exams or having questions about requirements or textbooks should contact the DCA Licensing Unit 609-984-7820 or go to All UCC courses will use the current New Jersey Uniform Construction Code textbook. Students are responsible for reaching out to the licensing Unit to ensure they have met the requirements to participate in the course; and for purchasing the required books.
Prerequisite: Residential and Small Commercial Specialist (RCS)
This course covers the administrative, plan review and inspection requirements for structural, energy, accessibility, radon, mechanical and fire protection systems applicable to Class 2 structures. This is a online course that meets for 19 sessions for a total of 75 hours, which includes a mandatory field trip and has additional online work as well. Textbooks: 2021 International Building Code (non-state edition) , 2021 International Mechanical Code, and the 2021 International Fuel Gas Code.
CEUs: 7.5
Offered: Spring
Cost: $825
Prerequisite: Residential and Small Commercial Specialist (RCS), and Building Inspector (ICS)
This course covers the administrative, plan review and inspection requirements for structural, energy, accessibility, radon, mechanical and fire protection systems applicable to Class I structures. This is a online course that meets for 15 sessions for a total of 60 hours, which includes a mandatory field trip and has additional online work as well. Textbooks: 2021 International Building Code, 2021 International Mechanical Code, and the 2021 International Fuel Gas Code.
CEUs: 6.0
Offered: Spring
Cost: $699
This course covers the administrative, plan review and inspection requirements for structural, energy, radon, and mechanical systems applicable to Class III structures. Textbook Required: 2021 International Residential Code
Offered: Fall
Cost: $938
This course prepares students to inspect plumbing and mechanical systems in accordance with the Uniform Construction Code. Areas covered will include design, testing, inspection procedures, plan review, administrative law, and NJ health codes.
Textooks needed: 2021 National Standard Plumbing Code (This can be ordered by emailing, 2021 International Fuel Gas Code (, 2021 International Mechanical Code (
Cost: $1,395
Prerequisite: Plumbing Inspector ICS
This course prepares students to evaluate advanced plumbing and mechanical systems in hazardous and high rise structures in accordance with the Uniform Construction Code. Areas covered will include plan review procedures, special design systems, and review of the codes necessary.
Textbooks Needed: National Standard Plumbing Code 2021 (IAPMO), 2021 International Fuel Gas Code (ICC), 2021 International Mechanical Code (ICC)
CEUs: 6.0
Cost: $699
Offered: Spring
This program will consist of 120 hours covering the administrative, plan review, and inspection requirements for passive and active fire protection systems; use and occupancy classification, fire-rated assemblies, and means of egress for Class II and Class III structures. Books needed IRC, IBC, IMC, IFGC ( and NFPA 13, NFPA 72 (
CEUs: 12.0
Offered: Fall
Cost: $1,395
Prerequisite: Fire Protection Inspector ICS
Covers advanced fire protection requirements pursuant to the Uniform Construction Code with a specialty in high-rise and hazardous structures (HHS): Fire Protection Inspectors HHS are authorized to review plans and carry out field inspection activities for structures in classes 1, 2, and 3.
CEUs: 6.0
Cost: $699
Offered: Spring
This course prepares inspectors for the administrative license of Subcode Official. Subcode administration, legal aspects of code enforcement, and related legislation are covered. Topics include procedures and forms for permit applications; stop construction orders; variations; notices of violation; emergencies; and record keeping
Offered: Summer
Cost: $628
Prerequisite: Subcode Official class or license
This course acquaints inspectors and subcode officials with the role of the construction official. Includes instruction in such areas as: office organization, purpose and fundamentals of code enforcement, procedures for processing cases, search warrants and administrative hearings, records, maintenance, warrants, relocation, housing maintenance, and legal rights of landlords and tenants. Textbook: 2021 Uniform Construction Code
Offered: Summer
Cost: $628