ATTENTION: Depending on enrollment numbers, registration for classes may close seven (7) days before the start date. If you have any questions regarding your registration or the status of your class, please reach out to the Non-Credit Registration Desk at (609)570-3311 or email for further information. It is also suggested that you do not purchase textbooks until seven (7) days before the start date of a class to ensure the class is running. Please be sure to check your email up to three (3) days before the start of your class for potential updates.
Do you have a passion for voiceovers? Want to earn income using your talents from the comfort of your home? Explore the fun, rewarding possibilities of the growing remote voiceover industry! Discover the current trends in the industry and how easy and affordable it can be to learn, set up and work from home. You’ll learn about different types of voiceovers and tools you’ll need to nd success.Your instructor, a professional voice actor from Voices For All, will take notes as you read a real script in this one-on-one video chat setting, and offer some coaching to improve your delivery. You’ll receive a professional voiceover evaluation later in a follow
up call. One-time, 90-minute, introductory class. Learn more at http:// 18 and over. Upon registration you will be contacted by VFA to schedule your class for a day and time of your convenience.
Offered Spring, Summer and Fall
Cost: $50