Attention: Registration for classes may close seven (7) days prior to the start date depending on enrollment numbers. If you cannot find a class you are looking for, please reach out to the Non-Credit Registration Desk at (609)570-3311 or email for further  information. The Center for Continuing Studies also suggests not purchasing textbooks until seven (7) days prior to the start date of a class to ensure the class is running.

Spanish – Beginners 

This class introduces basic vocabulary and phrases that  allows you to start speaking immediately! Taught in a comfortable atmosphere with other beginners, our popular Spanish instructor will not only teach you simple phrases that can be used in personal and professional conversation, but he will also introduce you to the culture and customs of South America. Textbook required; it is available in the college bookstore.

Offered Spring /Fall

Cost: $180

20% senior discount eligible 

Spanish – Intermediate 

Improve pronunciation, learn proper sentence structure, and add to your Spanish vocabulary in this fun and active intermediate class. Gain confidence as you practice with vocabulary-building exercises and speaking prompts. Complement your speaking ability by further exploring this beautiful South American culture. Textbook is required; it is available in the college bookstore.

Offered Spring /Fall

Cost: $180

20% senior discount eligible 

Spanish – Advanced 

Build upon intermediate Spanish-speaking skill with Advanced Spanish. Learn the rules of proper grammar while increasing your awareness of the intricacies in everyday language. Practice complex conversation to increase confidence! Learn new and advanced vocabulary and sentence structure for use in business, travel and social interactions. The conversational topics in Advanced Spanish will focus on Spanish customs and culture. Textbook is required; it is available in the college bookstore.

Offered Spring /Fall

Cost: $180

20% senior discount eligible 


This is a beginning level presentation of Spanish, relevant to people's lives.  It will provide the vocabulary and basic sentence structure to enable students to communicate orally in everyday situations: family, people in our lives, household items, routine activities, descriptions, etc.  

Spanish for business or travel, will be topics included.  Also, the uniqueness of Spanish and the wonders of language in general will be featured.   

Cost: $250

20% senior discount eligible 

Offered Summer 2024

Clear and Confident Speech for Non-Native English Speakers 

If you’re ready to eliminate your frustrations with your spoken English, come learn and apply The Diamond MethodTM Frameworks to your speech. Accelerate your communication skills with the pause; enhance communication comprehension with rhythm and emphasis; engage audiences with melody; clarify speech with diction; and optimize fluency with flow techniques. 


Offered Summer 2024

20% senior discount eligible 


French Conversation I   

Bonjour! You too can learn conversational French and be able to get around on a daily basis in French-speaking countries. Vocabulary and some basic grammar for traveling, shopping, dining, etc. will be included in this practical course. Textbook required and available in college bookstore.

Offered Spring/Fall


20% senior discount eligible 


Learn the basics of vocabulary for use in travel and social interactions. Textbook required at the first class; it is available in the college bookstore.

Offered Spring and Fall


20% senior discount eligible 


This class is a continuation of Italian Conversation I. Learn more advanced vocabulary, grammar, and verb conjugation in different tenses in order to converse in Italian for travel and social interactions. Bring the same book used in Italian Conversation I.

Offered Spring and Fall


20% senior discount eligible 




By the end of this course, you will acquire the communicative and cultural skill sets necessary to reach the intermediate level of competency in Italian conversation. You will become acquainted with more nuanced areas of oral expression, vocabulary, and grammar, as you enhance your speaking and listening skills alongside additional practice with reading and writing on various subjects of interest in both the U.S. and Italy. Topics include daily life, seasons, holidays, international travel, and agrotourism. 

Cost $250

Offered Summer 2024


American Sign Language

This course responds to the need to train people capable of entering the silent world of the deaf using ASL, a manual communication system from manual spelling using the alphabet to the basic signs most used by the deaf community to communicate.   

   This method of communication is considered a language like any other such as Spanish or English, therefore, it is not universal. ASL expresses the same words as spoken language using hand movements along with facial and body gestures. This course also teaches the student to consider the rules that must be followed and to differentiate between an informal or formal conversation.  

TITLE III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) makes it unlawful for any business, building, or other premises open to the public to discriminate against people with disabilities. These public places, in addition to government agencies, include restaurants, hotels, theaters, doctors' offices, pharmacies, stores, museums, libraries, parks, private schools, and day care centers, among others. In order to facilitate equal access, a public place or establishment must provide auxiliary aids and services for deaf people when necessary. Examples of auxiliary aids and services include interpreters for the deaf through American Sign Language (ASL). Therefore this course is aimed at the entire community interested in developing ASL. It is necessary to comply with the laws of this country that these types of courses be developed with the hope that we can make private agencies aware of the importance of enforcing these laws.  

Offered Spring

Cost: $300





Summer 2024 Classes