ATTENTION: Depending on enrollment numbers, registration for classes may close seven (7) days before the start date. If you have any questions regarding your registration or the status of your class, please reach out to the Non-Credit Registration Desk at (609)570-3311 or email for further information. It is also suggested that you do not purchase textbooks until seven (7) days before the start date of a class to ensure the class is running. Please be sure to check your email up to three (3) days before the start of your class for potential updates.
The Montessori Teacher Training Institute of Mercer County Community College is American Montessori Society (AMS) affiliated and is accredited by the Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education (MACTE) ( Our program utilizes the complete Montessori curriculum.
Classes are held at Montessori Connections located at 2245 US-130,#103, Dayton, NJ
08810: this location allows you to be immersed in the Montessori method from the first day of class.
Montessori teachers or assistant teachers who do not have certification
Teachers and educators who wish to learn (and receive certification in) the Montessori Method.
Those considering a career in Montessori education - a Montessori Teacher Certificate is recognized in every state and throughout the world.
Parents or other individuals who wish to further their understanding of child development and successful teaching methods.
A proficient understanding of the English language, both written and spoken
Bachelor’s Degree (to earn a Montessori Teacher designation)
High school diploma or equivalent or Associates Degree (to earn a Montessori Associate designation)
To earn a certificate, you must complete the following courses and practicum hours.
The course within this module will present the historical perspective and key components of the Montessori Method through Maria Montessori’s documentation. Montessori theory and education philosophy will be discussed along with the nature and development of young children and their absorbent minds. The importance of practical life learning will also be covered through hands-on applications in a Montessori environment. Students are required to compile an album and prepare short essays.
Cost: $1,925 (price subject to change)
Offered Fall 2024
This module covers the areas of Sensorial learning, Math, and Art Montessori materials will be presented and practiced upon to strengthen students’ understanding of education and refinement of senses. The Sensorial area of any Montessori classroom builds the foundation of future success. Students will then learn the importance that Math and Art plays in the Montessori classroom. Each student will be required to compile an album for each area as well as begin a resource file.
Cost: $1,315 (price subject to change)
Offered Fall 2024
The course within this module will cover Child Development, Language, and Music and Movement components of learning. Coursework within Child Development delves into the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social stages of child development and the learning theories that apply to them.
Cost: $1,445 (price subject to change)
Offered Spring 2025
This module covers the areas observation, parent involvement, science, social studies, and classroom leadership all comprise this module. Botany, zoology, earth elements, and physical science will be topics of study in science while land and water forms, globes, maps, and flags will be covered in social studies. In classroom leadership, you will learn the important class components of scheduling and curriculum planning, lesson strategies, communication, problem solving, and much more.
Cost: $1,690 (price subject to change)
Offered Spring 2025
Practicum - 540 hours
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Modules I-IV
Cost: $1,595
Self-Directed Practicum
Prerequisite: Successful completion of Modules I-IV
Cost: $2,665