(pho) Photography Courses

(3 credits)  PHO 101 - Black & White Film Photography I
Foundation course in photography emphasizes basic techniques for the still film camera and darkroom. The development of creative visual expression is strongly encouraged. Students purchase a manually-controlled film camera and other appropriate materials. 1 lecture / 4 studio hours

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(3 credits)  PHO 103 - Digital Photography I
Introductory course for students having basic computer knowledge and interested in gaining knowledge of digital imaging tools and techniques, and improving their creativity. Topics include Photoshop, digital retouching, digital cameras, inkjet printing, resolution, and scanning through lab activities as well as classroom lecture. 2 lecture / 3 laboratory hours

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General Education course Humanities
(3 credits)  PHO 110 - History of Photography
Historical survey of the growth of photographic art and technique from camera obscura to the present, emphasizing aesthetics, applications, and social impact. Includes the relationship of photography to the other arts and the effects of changing technology on the photographic image. [Spring offering] 3 lecture hours

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(3 credits)  PHO 202 - Studio Photography
Prerequisite or Corequisite: PHO 103 or PHO 203 with a minimum C grade
Use digital or film cameras of any format to create portraits, still-life, and product shots. Topics include lighting, composition, technique, and studio equipment. 1 lecture / 4 studio hours

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(3 credits)  PHO 203 - Photography II
Prerequisite: PHO 101 or PHO 103 with a minimum C grade
Intermediate-level course in film and digital still photography. Covers medium- and large-format film cameras, full-frame DSLR cameras, archival printing methods in both film and digital labs, photo retouching software, film-scanning, and exploring concepts through images during lab activities as well as classroom lecture. 1 lecture / 4 laboratory hours

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(3 credits)  PHO 251 - Documentary Photography
Prerequisite or Corequisite: PHO 103 or PHO 203 with a minimum C grade
Emphasizes techniques and issues of long- and short-term location assignment shooting. Students are afforded opportunities to gain practical experience covering news, features and sports events for The College Voice and to work with journalism students. A photographic essay is developed throughout the semester. 1 lecture / 4 studio hours

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(3 credits)  PHO 285 - Special Studies in Photography
Advanced topics in both traditional and digital photography. Course material is tailored to satisfy special requests by students and to share the specialized talents of the college faculty. [occasional offering] 1 lecture / 4 studio hours

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(3 credits)  PHO 290 - Photography Internship
Prerequisite: coordinator approval
Work experience from participating photographic studios, labs, and galleries. 1 lecture / 180 laboratory hours

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