(fas) Fashion Courses
(3 credits)
FAS 105 - Fashion: The Global Marketplace Prerequisite: placement in college-level English
An overview of the fashion industry beginning with a historical perspective that covers both domestic and international influences. Integrates creative fashion concepts with business concepts commonly used in general marketing. Topics include international sourcing and trade, and retailing.
3 lecture hours
course outline current classes
(3 credits)
FAS 110 - Introduction to Fashion Drawing Prerequisite: ART 102
Coordinated with Fashion Design I, develops techniques, skills, and knowledge needed to produce fashion drawings that are clear, accurate, realistic and attractive. Vocabulary of various clothing styles and details are introduced.
1 lecture / 4 laboratory hours
course outline current classes
(3 credits)
FAS 120 - Introduction to Fashion Industries Corequisite: FAS 130
Foundational course introducing the fashion design, merchandising, and retail industries from concept to consumer. Industry terminology and standard practices are explored along with career opportunities. Toward immediate employment, students study for the NRF Retail Industry Fundamentals Certification, participate in practice tests, and pursue the certificate option.
1 lecture / 4 laboratory hours
course outline current classes
(3 credits)
FAS 130 - Introduction to Textiles for Fashion Prerequisite or Corequisite: ENG 101
Explores how textiles are produced and how appropriate performance characteristics are incorporated into materials and products. Students make informed decisions regarding materials and products to communicate effectively with team members in the workplace, suppliers, contractors and buyers. Careers in the global textile industry are discussed.
3 lecture hours
course outline current classes
(3 credits)
FAS 140 - Fashion Technology Corequisite: FAS 110
Covers two computer software applications used in the fashion design industry to design and create apparel and accessories. Projects explore a range of fashion designing and related drawings in both vector and pixel-based applications.
1 lecture / 4 laboratory hours
course outline current classes
(3 credits)
FAS 150 - Technical Skills for Apparel Production I Introduces muslin draping techniques on the dress form, flat pattern making, and garment construction on the sewing machine. Based on the scope of a student's project or level of study, additional costs for materials and supplies are required.
1 lecture / 4 laboratory hours
course outline current classes
(3 credits)
FAS 205 - Fashion Visual Merchandising and Display Prerequisites: BUS 101, ENG 101, MKT 101, MKT 230
An integrated and customer-centered approach to merchandising. Covers strategic planning, product objectives and categories, industry zones, and product life cycles. Topics include pricing, positioning, placement, market research, environments, demographics, geographics, and psychographics. Emphasizes fashion forecasting with the buying-selling cycle for retail buyers.
3 lecture hours
course outline current classes
(3 credits)
FAS 220 - History of Costume Design Prerequisite: FAS 105
Comprehensive overview of fashion history and its development as a globalized industry. A survey of chronological geographic and cultural trends that have influenced modern fashion addresses men's and women's clothing and accessories.
3 lecture hours
course outline current classes
(3 credits)
FAS 230 - Fundamentals of Fashion Retail Buying and Merchandising Prerequisites: FAS 105, FAS 205
Covers methods of analyzing customer demand, assisting retailers with merchandising activities, product sourcing, logistics related to importing, and techniques to maximize profits. Students produce reports to evaluate sales and profitability performance as well as management strategies.
3 lecture hours
course outline current classes
(3 credits)
FAS 250 - Technical Skills for Apparel Production II Prerequisite: FAS 150
Advanced sewing/draping skills are developed to produce finished garments from individually designed fashion and apparel pieces. Based on the scope of a student's project or level of study, additional costs for materials and supplies are required.
1 lecture / 4 laboratory hours
course outline current classes
(3 credits)
FAS 260 - Fashion Industries Capstone and Portfolio Prerequisite: FAS 110, FAS 120
Enables students to finalize an original, professional portfolio showcasing individual abilities and skills. Students select a target market as well as a product focus which best display their proficiencies and prepare them for further study or careers in the fashion industry.
1 lecture / 4 laboratory hours
course outline current classes