The "Luck" Of MCCC Athletics



As St. Patrick’s Day is upon us, at MCCC Athletics we are lucky to have so many talented student athletes who choose to come to Mercer and be a part of our athletic programs.  Mercer is lucky to have a strong sports program with a successful and storied history that has helped put Mercer on the national stage through their performances.


MCCC student athletes are lucky to have such dedicated and committed coaches who put in a great deal of time to ensure the success of our student athletes.  MCCC student athletes are lucky for all the support they can get from fans, parents, faculty and staff at Mercer, who help our student athletes find success on and off the court. MCCC student athletes are lucky they compete against some of the best collegiate competition around and have the chance to advance to NJCAA National Championships and win Region titles annually.


Green is the color of St. Patrick’s Day and is also the color of MCCC along with gold, which is said to found in pots of gold and near leprechauns.  Our student athletes are lucky to represent MCCC and put on the green and gold uniforms when they compete.


We feel extra lucky for the many talented student athletes who call MCCC home on St. Patrick’s Day, but at Mercer, we are truly lucky year round to have such successful student athletes who help make MCCC one of the best junior college athletic programs in the country!


For more on MCCC’s spring sports schedules, visit:



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