MCCC Student Athletes Learn How to "Unlock Their Potential" During Craig Dietz Seminar


On Tuesday, September 27th, an audience of 174 student athletes, coaches, and staff attended a seminar from Craig Dietz.


Dietz competes in open water swimming and triathlons.  Dietz was born without limbs and was featured in an ESPN 360 called “Unlocking Your Potential.”  His swimming accomplishments include the 4.4-mile Great Chesapeake Bay Swim, the Midmar Mile swim in South Africa and the 1.5-mile “escape” from Alcatraz swim.


Dietz is currently a licensed attorney in Pennsylvania, who enjoys bowling, skiing, volleyball, hunting, fishing and playing the drums in his spare time.


Dietz has never viewed his lack of limbs as a limitation.  He delivered a powerful and inspiring message to the MCCC audience, emphasizing that the only limits we have are the ones we place on ourselves.


The idea for this seminar came about in the spring from MCCC Athletic’s SALC (Student Athlete Leadership Council).  The SALC suggested having one seminar each semester focusing on preparing student athletes for life beyond the playing fields.  Athletic Director Eric Grundman came across Dietz years ago and “is someone I always felt would be a speaker who could deliver that message to student-athletes in an effective way.”


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Dietz Event

Motivational speaker Craig Dietz