Business and Technology faculty member Kristen Callahan, Director of MCCC’s Center for Simulated Business Studies (CSBS), and Anthony Bruzaitis, Director of Media and Instructional Technologies, presented “Learning to Run a Business While Running a Business,” at the NJEdge.Net Conference on Nov. 22.
The presentation focused on Mercer’s CSBS program and other college and high school entrepreneurship programs. During their presentation they made live connections with VEI US-headquarters in New York City, and to practice firms in Belgium and Mercer’s West Windsor and Trenton campuses.
Callahan emphasized the impressive skill set acquired by students in the MCCC practice firm: international diplomacy, import/export processes, marketing, social networking, integrating technology, app usage and development, strategic and tactical planning, and electronic and verbal communications. |

Anthony Bruzaitis, Director of Media and Instructional Technologies, and Kristen Callahan, Director of MCCC's Center for Simulated Business Studies, recently presented at the NJEdge conference. |