West Windsor, N.J. – This spring, Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS) awarded Mercer County Community College (MCCC) a $25,000 grant to enhance the laboratory curriculum for Anatomy and Physiology (A&P) students at Mercer’s West Windsor and Trenton campuses.
The funding will provide for new physiology equipment and software that will benefit students studying science, especially those in MCCC’s Health Professions programs including Nursing, Radiography, Physical Therapist Assistant, Exercise Science, and Medical Laboratory Technology. A&P I and II (BIO 103 and BIO 104) are required courses for these majors. Mercer’s A&P courses introduce students to the structure and functions of the human body, microscopy and quantitative studies of physiological processes.
According to Professor of Biology Laura Blinderman, who co-wrote the grant proposal with Biology Professor Linda Falkow, the additional equipment will be used to engage students in the collection, graphing and analysis of physiological data.
“We are excited about this grant because the new equipment will allow for more critical thinking exercises to be incorporated into the laboratory. Students will develop skills in recording and analyzing real time physiological data using the Biopac System. They will get a hands-on experience in collecting and analyzing data on heart, pulmonary, and muscle function, eye movement, and brain wave function,” Blinderman said. “We are grateful to BMS for recognizing this need and assisting us in enriching students’ science learning.”
Biology Laboratory Coordinator Rachael Klaus will be working with Professor Falkow to implement the new curricula during the 2019-20 academic year. "It's great to have relevant physiology materials. Anything clinical that students can have access to helps to prepare them for the hospital setting," Klaus said.
Approximately 700 Mercer students enroll in A&P I each year, while another 400 enroll in A&P II.
Lab Coordinator Rachael Klaus, second from left, points out parts of the heart on this model. With the new equipment, students will be able to perform hands-on physiology experiments using leads and attachments.
Anatomy & Physiology I and II are required for Health Professions programs including Radiography (above), Nursing, Physical Therapist Assistant, Exercise Science, and Medical Lab Technology.