Prospective Students

Questions or comments?
Contact us by e-mail at  or by phone at  609-570-3496 or  609-570-3474



(Link to Summer registration request posted below. Fall registration request will be posted below when registration window opens)

Summer registration opens April 1,2025
Fall registration opens April 14, 2025
(academic key dates and deadlines)

To register into aviation (AVI) courses, students must complete and submit an Aviation Registration Request form for approval, as self-registration is not permitted. The Aviation Flight Technology program has specific enrollment requirements that must be met before a student can be registered into aviation courses.

Before you begin filling out the request form:
  • You will be required to sign in using your Mercer County Community College credentials.
  • Your MCCC student ID and MCCC email are needed to complete the form.
  • You must have a first or second-class FAA medical certificate from an AME. You will be required to upload a copy when completing the form or email a copy  to with your name and student ID. The copy must be in PDF format. No other format will be accepted.
  • If you have a PPL (Private Pilot License), you will be required to upload a copy when completing the form or email a copy  to with your name and student ID. The copy must be in PDF format. No other format will be accepted.
  • US citizenship is required or TSA approval.
  • You must either have successfully completed the General Education requisites, have been awarded transfer credits for them, or be registered for them during the same semester in which you begin AVI courses.
  • During the registration period, students are responsible for registering themselves into all general education requisites for the program before they are registered for the corresponding aviation course. Failure to do so may delay their aviation registration and potentially lose the spot in the aviation course requested. Please reach out to Melissa Santiago at if you need assistance with selection and registration.
  • Given the seat limits, completing the Aviation Registration Request form will not guarantee final enrollment into aviation courses. Students who meet program requirements will be registered on a first-come, first-served basis.   A confirmation email will be sent to your student email account when registered.
  • Once seats are filled, you will be put on a waitlist. If a spot opens up, you will receive an email notification to your school email account. You will have 24 hours to respond, otherwise we will select the next person on the list.
  • Please note, new aviation registered students will be required to attend an Aviation orientation approximately 1 week before the start of class. Zoom link invite will be included with your registration confirmation.


Summer Request


 A.A.S.-Aviation Flight Technology

 A.A.S.-Rotorcraft Transition Program

 A.S.-Aviation Management

Visit the MCCC
OneStop Center

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The MCCC Aviation Flight Technology program is the ONLY 2-year AABI accredited Aviation Degree Program in the nation. Mercer County Community College’s (MCCC) two-year professional pilot program is accredited by the Aviation Accreditation Board International and provides flight instruction for the Private and Commercial certificates as well as the Instrument rating in both single and multiengine aircraft.

The MCCC college aviation program is a practical and affordable way for pilot candidates to work towards their restricted ATP (Airline Transport Pilot) rating which allows students to fast track to the airlines. For students training within a non-college program, the minimum hours for airline employment are 1500 hours. For students completing the MCCC program, the minimum hours for employment at an airline are reduced to 1250. Not only is this a considerable savings of time, it also translates to a huge cost savings!

Students that participate in the Rotorcraft Transition Program concentration will have the opportunity to gain their new fix wing rating while gaining valuable flight time.  This flight time will be important as they continue to work toward their ATP certificate, and future employment at the airlines.

While classroom instruction is given at the West Windsor campus, flight training takes place at our partner  Infinity Flight Group (IFG) located at Trenton Mercer Airport (TTN). Ideally located between New York City and Philadelphia, MCCC students train in some of the busiest airspace in the country. TTN is home to several Fortune 50 corporate flight departments, as well as major airlines, all of which are supported by an award winning air traffic control tower.

Because these programs attract many students using VA benefits, the Department of Veterans Affairs requires documentation to prove that the Institute of Higher Learning (IHL) is adhering to VA guidelines. Specific certificate hours and curriculum are listed under each training track offered. With our partner, Infinity Flight Group, students are billed specific hours for aircraft, flight and ground instruction. MCCC staff and designated representatives operating under the Part-141 Certificate include the following:

  • Chief Flight Instructor
  • Assistant Chief Flight Instructor
  • Progress Check Pilots
  • Airman Certification Representative

MCCC staff is responsible for maintaining the Part-141 Certificate, as well as training and approving any Flight Instructors hired and contracted by IFG. Those approved Flight Instructors are charged to instruct under the guidance provided by the FAA as it pertains to the approved syllabus for the Part-141 Certificate. Students begin flight within 7 days from the start of each semester while enrolled in at least one flight course along with other required ground instructional courses to achieve their degree. The flight costs are approved by the Board of Trustees and provided in advance to students so they may be financially prepared for the program.

MCCC offers two training tracks:

Aviation Flight Technology
A.A.S. Degree

Scholarships Available for Aviation Students

scholarship details
Aviation Flight Technology A.A.S. Degree with Rotorcraft Transition Program (RTP) concentration
* This track is separate from AABI accreditation.
  • curriculum
  • course descriptions
  • estimated fees (subject to change)
  • Cost of Program (subject to change)
  • additional required equipment (PDF)
  • RTP Session Dates:
    Winter/Spring 2024-25
    6A: December 18 to February 4
    6B: February 7 to March 27
    6C: March 31 to May 12
    Summer 2025
    UA: May 19 to July 3
    UB: July 8 to August 18
    Fall 2025
    FA: September 2 to October 20
    FB: October 21 to December 19
    Winter/Spring 2025-26
    6A: December 22 to February 2
    6B: February 5 to March 20
    6C: March 24 to May 8
    Summer 2026
    UA: May 15 to June 30
    UB: July 6 to August 14

Program Accredited by Aviation Accreditation Board International (AABI)

Mercer County Community College

Aviation Flight Technology A.A.S. degree

January 2023

For each AABI-accredited aviation program, institutions MUST accurately publish on the program's public website a report of student achievement data including the following information, updated annually:

Aviation Mission Statement

The mission of the Aviation Flight Technology Program is to produce well educated and informed students who are prepared to successfully transfer to a baccalaureate institution or to continue preparation for a flight career using the knowledge and skill base acquired in their courses at Mercer.

Successful graduates of the program will:

  • Obtain the appropriate ground and flight certificates;
  • Fill related aviation positions requiring specific aviation knowledge with airport service operators located at numerous airports in the United States and possessions.

Program Goals and Objectives:

The Aviation Flight Technology curriculum prepares students to achieve the expected program-level student learning outcomes identified by the degree program. At the completion of the program, students will be able to:

  • Demonstrate the knowledge and skills required to obtain the private and commercial certificates and instrument rating, including aeronautical technical skills and decision-making, while demonstrating safety as their primary focus
  • Analyze the effects of social, political, and economic world events on air transportation and how this may impact the aviation industry and careers in aviation
  • Describe the events in the development of aviation to the present day and evaluate the impact of these events on today’s society
  • Demonstrate effective and correct written and verbal communication
  • Research and present information pertinent to their aviation discipline individually and in teams
  • Demonstrate an awareness of the ethical and professional issues associated with the aviation industry, including the importance of becoming a life-long learner in the aviation world