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Want To Be an Entrepreneur?

Learn How This Fall at MCCC!

Be a part of the excitement as hundreds of virtual companies across the globe teach students how to run a business.

Recent News Articles:

The New York Times - May 29, 2015, International Business section: "In Europe, Fake Jobs Can Have Real Benefits"

Forbes magazine - June 3, 2015, Leadership section: "Hundreds of Imaginary Companies Teach U.S. Students How To Run A Business"


Virtual Enterprises International

EUROPEN-PEN International practice enterprises network

Business Practice Firm

FOR FULL DETAILS contact professor Kristen Callahan at (609) 570-3216 or administrative specialist Barbara Urban at (609) 570-3474


Business Practice Firm

We have two classes scheduled to run this Fall  (15 weeks: Aug. 31 to Dec. 16)

* BUS296-010
Tuesday and Thursday, 9 to 11:30 a.m.

* BUS296-020
Monday (and Wed. online), 5:30 to 8 p.m.

International Business Practice Firm
BUS 296  (3 credits)   course outline

Prerequisites: sophomore standing and computer literacy

International business model in a simulated business firm provides opportunity to perform business functions (purchasing, accounting, marketing, human resources, etc.) and transact business with other simulated companies throughout the world. Includes decision-making, critical thinking, and team activities.

1 lecture / 5 laboratory hours